Old problem fixed, new problem took its place

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Seabass007, Sep 5, 2007.

  1. Seabass007

    Seabass007 Guest

    Through reading the posts in this group, I was able to determine that
    I had a problem with my CV joint, and had to replace both axles on my
    92 Accord. A certified Honda mechanic verified that both axles should
    be replaces, and that this was better than just replacing the joints.
    I took it to a mechanic that my father-in-law recommended, and he
    replaced both axles for a very good price. So no more clicking sound
    when I turn, but this has been replaced with a new noise. When I
    picked up the car, I took it for a test drive, and there was a
    squealing sound when I accelerated while turning. The sqealing sounded
    like metal-on-metal. But the car also made the sound while
    accelerating straight ahead. The mechanic said it could be a clutch
    problem, and that it could have been there behind the axle click
    noise, but I heard that click for about a year, and I would have heard
    a squeal like this. He said to listen to it for a while, and if I
    wanted, he would remove and re-install the axles again. I'm convinced
    the sound is coming from something he did or didn't do when replacing
    the axles, but he said it wasn't.

    Well, that was 4 days ago, and the squeal is gone, but now there is a
    knocking that I can feel through the gas pedal when I'm accelerating
    in low gear. It only happens when I'm in 1st and second gear, and the
    knocking/rumbling sound gets more intense the harder I push down the
    pedal. Once I get going, the sound is gone, so that seems to rule out
    an engine problem.

    I've read similar posts, and everything from heat shield to the ABS
    has been mentioned. I have ABS, so I'm wondering if this was the
    cause. Anybody know what the deal is? Thanks.

    Seabass007, Sep 5, 2007
  2. Seabass007

    Seabass007 Guest

    I listened to it some more, and now I've noticed that it happens in
    all gears, only when I press the gas, but not every time I press the
    gas. The sound is similar to when I make right turns, and then is a
    definite thumping sound. The mechanic said a wheel bearing could need
    replacing. Could this be the cause?
    Seabass007, Sep 6, 2007
  3. Seabass007

    motsco_ Guest

    ABS only makes noise when you're using the brakes. It sounds more like a
    motor mount. The motor 'tilts' a bit when giving it the gas. If the
    mount is shot it will make noises through the chassis.

    motsco_, Sep 6, 2007
  4. Seabass007

    Seabass007 Guest

    ABS only makesnoisewhen you're using the brakes. It sounds more like amotormount. Themotor'tilts' a bit when giving it the gas. If themountis shot it will make noises through the chassis.
    Thanks Curly. I read up a bit on motor mounts, and it seems like it
    could be that. I did find that somebody had the exact same problem
    that I had. After listening to the problem some more, I've noticed
    that if I take a a right turn and can do so without stopping, I can
    accelerate without the noise being there. But if I have to make a
    right turn from a stop, and the noise will usually be there. They guy
    who had the same problem said that there was play in the axle, which
    caused this vibration, and this seems the most likely because less
    than a week ago I took in the car to get the axles replaced.l I bought
    two remanufactured axles from Autozone because the local NAPA didn't
    have any. Does anyone know if this is a problem with the axle
    installation or the axle itself? Thanks.
    Seabass007, Sep 7, 2007
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