One Car for 4 Licensed Drivers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by oilfreeandhappy, Mar 30, 2006.

  1. In my family, we have one car for 4 licensed drivers. We brought up our
    children cycling, and now that they're older (one is a Junior in
    High School and the other is a Freshman in college), they have continued
    the good habit. I commute by bicycle to work year round, regardless of
    weather, unless the roads are treacherous. My commute is 8 miles.

    Nowadays, if I lived in a large city with mass transit, I would combine
    mass transit with a nice folding bicycle.
    Jim Gagnepain
    oilfreeandhappy, Mar 30, 2006
  2. ------------------------------------

    I can tell it's Psychic Wednesday.

    Are we supposed to guess why four licensed drivers can't get the Honda
    to start? :)

    One clue (oilfreeandhappy) tells me you should check the oil level
    first. :-(

    Stay safe, Jim.

    'Curly Q. Links', Mar 30, 2006
  3. Actually, the last car that I personally owned, about 20 years ago, was
    a Honda Civic. Good little car, but I prefer my bicycle now. It's a
    win-win - good exercise, oil-free, fresh air...
    oil_free_and_happy, Mar 30, 2006
  4. oilfreeandhappy

    TeGGeR® Guest

    \ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 /
    \ 1 9 / /
    \ 0 / 10 /
    \ SMUG-O-METER / /
    \ / /
    \ / /
    \___ _________________/____/
    \ /
    TeGGeR®, Mar 30, 2006
  5. oilfreeandhappy

    Brian Smith Guest

    It's time to buy more vehicles, if you are experiencing scheduling problems.
    That's great, but now that they have to be places quickly it's an outdated
    method of travel, ineffecient for today's travel requirements.
    You're one of the hazards on the roads if you ride during bad weather.
    Why would you need a folding bicycle? Buses have racks on the front of them
    for carrying bicycles of those that want to appear as if they rode the
    bicycle to work. {;^)
    Brian Smith, Mar 30, 2006
  6. i congratulate you on your commitment to the environment. if more people
    practiced similar lifestyles, then we might not find it necessary to fight
    wars over oil. however, i have yet to see a bicycle that does not use
    rubber, grease, and plastic. indeed, they will quickly grind to a halt
    without oil of some type.
    manic mechanic, Mar 30, 2006
  7. by the way, your page would load a heck of a lot faster if you resized the
    image of the backpack to the size the web page uses rather than depend on
    the browser to resize it... i was able to get it down to just 27 KB and
    still have it look fine.
    manic mechanic, Mar 30, 2006
  8. oilfreeandhappy

    Remco Guest

    HUH? Ok here goes my random babbling:

    In my family we have three coffee drinkers. When the kids were younger
    I was the only one but they started as they got older (one is a Junior
    in HS and one is just out of college). I pick up a cup of coffee on my
    way home and drink it with a straw because the roads have many potholes
    in them and don't like to get coffee on my clothes. My commute is 7

    If I lived in a large city with mass transit, I might bring a thermos
    with me so I can refill my cup while commuting.

    (I always wanted to get that off my chest and since we're telling
    random stories, this seemed like a good time to do it :)
    Remco, Mar 30, 2006
  9. .... I had an onion on my belt, 'cause that was the fashion at the time...
    Grandpa Simpson
    Michael Pardee, Mar 30, 2006
  10. oilfreeandhappy

    TeGGeR® Guest

    If governments weren't obsessed with outlawing private companies from
    offering mass transit, and weren't so obsessed with legislating transit
    monopolies for themselves, we might see more mass transit so you wouldn't
    spill your drink.

    A couple of years ago we had an example of this bizarre government mindset
    at work in my community. As a result, we still have no mass transit of any
    TeGGeR®, Mar 30, 2006
  11. oilfreeandhappy

    Remco Guest

    See?? Dont' you guys feel better getting this random rambling off your

    As for the guy that started the thread: get a haircut, you stinkfoot
    hippy!! :)
    Remco, Mar 30, 2006
  12. oilfreeandhappy

    E Meyer Guest

    I don't buy that argument. Where I came from (Chicago 'burbs), the local
    private mass transportation companies all died natural deaths in the '70s
    when everybody started driving themselves. Ridership went down below
    profitable levels and that was it.

    The regional government transit monopolies that we saw (and continue to see
    in many places) were started because the numbers didn't add up and the
    citizens demanded busses anyway, not because of some insidious government
    plot. When no one rode those busses either, mass transit simply went away
    in the smaller towns.

    I think if you could demonstrate a viable business model for mass transit,
    you would have some.
    E Meyer, Mar 30, 2006
  13. oilfreeandhappy

    James Guest

    fresh air?? Yeah right, you get to suck in all the wonderfully "fresh"
    fumes that our cars put out...enjoy!
    James, Mar 30, 2006
  14. Profound statement, Remco. I'll leave it at that, and refrain from any
    other reply.
    Jim Gagnepain
    hippy!! :)
    oil_free_and_happy, Mar 30, 2006
  15. For a short part of my commute, this is the case. But much of my ride
    is on rural roads, with not much traffic. BTW, studies have shown that
    cars get more exposure to road fumes than bicycles, because the
    bicycles aren't in the center of the road.
    Jim Gagnepain
    fumes that our cars put out...enjoy!
    oil_free_and_happy, Mar 30, 2006
  16. I'd call this quibbling. I ran some calculations a while back, and at
    my current chain lube usage, I would have to live to 176 years old to
    go through 1 gallon. I'd call that oil-free. Also, at the moment when
    I purchased my plastic veneered helmet 12 years ago, I wasn't oil free.
    But when I ride my bicycle, I am.
    Jim Gagnepain
    oil_free_and_happy, Mar 30, 2006
  17. Thanks manic mechanic. I'll try that!
    the browser to resize it...
    oil_free_and_happy, Mar 30, 2006
  18. oilfreeandhappy

    Remco Guest

    Thank you - usually I try and other times I do not. This morning I did
    not. :)

    Seriously, why did you post this powderkeg in a news group dedicated to
    the repair and maintenance of Hondas?
    It is like posting recipes of how to cook meat in a vegetarian group -
    that would make no sense either.

    I don't think it is a bad idea to take the bike to work, walk more, use
    the car less, etc. My reply was not a reflection of how I feel about
    that subject, more on the what and how you posted.
    Flaming is a proud internet tradition, so expect it if you go off topic
    without stating "OT:" in the subject line.
    Also, the way you come across in your original message reminds me of
    the "south park" hybrid vehicle episode - watch it and see if you can
    find yourself.

    Remco, Mar 30, 2006
  19. oilfreeandhappy

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Private transport companies are typically under crushing regulations
    dictating when, where, and how they may (or MUST) offer service, what sort
    of vehicles they may (or may NOT, or MUST use), and how much (or how
    little) they can charge.

    When faced with rigid rules like that, it's no wonder they go out of
    business, or end up surviving on subsidies.
    TeGGeR®, Mar 30, 2006
  20. oilfreeandhappy

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Nobody even commented on my cool Smug-O-Meter ASCII graphic. :(
    TeGGeR®, Mar 30, 2006
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