Ongoing saga with 2003 Accord EX Coupe MT

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Scott MacLean, Dec 3, 2003.

  1. Scott MacLean

    NetSock Guest

    "HA!" your own self... :)
    Yea right. And I've had 250 warranty repairs in 6 months.

    Anybody else have any extreme warranty work? Hey Mikey...where are you should be jumping al over this! :)

    '03 S2000
    '94 Accord

    It's just about going fast...that's all...
    NetSock, Dec 4, 2003
  2. Are you saying that you don't believe me?

    Would you like a list?

    Pitted, peeling chrome on the Honda badges: 3 times

    Total ECM failure while driving in traffic: 2 times

    Return visits to have ECM programmed: 4 visits

    Leaking back hatch: 4 visits, not leaking right now, but it hasn't rained since
    the last repair when they discovered that the gasket under the spoiler had
    disintegrated & replaced it.

    Mud flaps hanging loose: 2 visits (although technically I don't count this
    even though it was done under warranty becuase they were dealer-installed, not
    factory installed)

    VTEC not engaging: 5 visits, but I am still having intermittent problems.

    Weatherstripping: 1 visit so far, but they didn't have the parts so I will have
    to go back to have the repair completed.

    If you have any further doubts as to what an incredible piece of shit this car
    is, I would be glad to list the reapirs by service ticket number or give you
    the phone number of the service department of the dealership -- you can just
    call them and ask them about the crying girl with the worst Honda ever made.

    This car has totally and completely broken my heart. My BF still has his 1985
    cRXsi that he bought practically off of the boat. He pre-ordered it & it was
    the first one sold on this coast. He has about half a million miles on it by
    now. His Dad still have several mid 80s vintage Honda wagons that he has
    driven for 2-300,000 miles with no repairs. My son has a 198? CRX that runs

    I actaully love my car, but it is less reliable than my 1971 Citroen was:(Robyn
    Robyn Rosenthal, Dec 4, 2003
  3. Scott MacLean

    DrPimpDaddi Guest

    Are you saying that you don't believe me?

    I do not killfile nor use do-not-call lists.
    DrPimpDaddi, Dec 4, 2003
  4. From: (DrPimpDaddi)
    And you don't see the irony here?

    I post under my full, legal name & have posted (in a previous thread) the name
    of the dealership & the city & state in which it is located.

    And you post under a nym.

    All of these are DOCUMENTED WARRANY CLAIMS. Easily verified.
    I don't know what that means? What doesn my gender have to do with the fact
    that I got a lemon Honda?

    Please, explain.

    Robyn Lori Rosenthal
    Sterling Cotons and Park Place Grooming
    Sterling, VA USA
    Robyn Rosenthal, Dec 4, 2003
  5. Scott MacLean

    NetSock Guest

    Are you saying that you don't believe me?

    No thank you...I have better things to do than go snipe hunting. :)

    Again...sounds a little far fetched to me.
    Several? Vintage? No repairs?

    I simply don't believe this (either).
    My daughter has a 1989 Tercel that runs great. So?

    And I'm going up on the next space shuttle.

    '03 S2000
    '94 Accord

    It's just about going fast...that's all...
    NetSock, Dec 4, 2003
  6. Scott MacLean

    NetSock Guest

    No...I don't.
    So the f what!?

    Do you think you gain credibility just because you post under a name?

    Typical chick...
    And like I said...I'm going up on the next space shuttle.
    Figures it would have to be explained to you...

    He's stereotyping you as a dumb women, but if you cant figure that
    out...maybe its *NOT* a stereotype. :) didn't get a lemon Honda.
    Sigh...typical women.

    '03 S2000
    '94 Accord

    It's just about going fast...that's all...
    NetSock, Dec 4, 2003
  7. From: "NetSock"
    MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000
    Whatever -- I have provided you with suffcient information to confirm (or deny)
    everything that I have said about my car. That you CHOOSE not to, says that you
    are just enjoying arguing.

    What I meant is that the guys in service would know exactly who you meant
    because of my multiple trips in for service & how unhappy I have been with the

    \whatever. The car is sitting in our garage as we speak.
    Several -- they bought one new at the dealer for his wife to drive & were so
    happy with it that they bought two more used, one that his Dad drives and one
    that they use for hauling dirty stuff like mulch, etc.

    And none of them has required repairs outside of the normal wear & tear that
    you get as a car ages. I consider things like brake pads, etc. to be normal
    Point being that *in my experience* Hondas are *USUALLY* very well made and
    reliable cars with good quality contol & mine is an exception to the usual rule
    Really? I have pictures of my old Citroen & if I was to dog around in my
    basement enough I could probably find the box with my service records.

    I am looking foward to seeing oyur pictures from space:)Robyn
    Robyn Rosenthal, Dec 4, 2003
  8. Scott MacLean

    MikeHunt2 Guest

    I don't see what you are so bent out of shape about. I keep
    telling you that in the real world ALL manufactures build
    some that are not up to snuff on occasion and all manufacture
    have a few bad dealers. You prefer to live in your dream world
    where Hondas never break down and all their dealers know what
    they are doing. ;)

    mike hunt

    MikeHunt2, Dec 4, 2003
  9. Scott MacLean

    Vuarra Guest

    I agree with you completely, Mike (o_O), but I must say that both
    Honda owners and Toyota owners are a vocal bunch when it comes to the
    reliability of their chosen brands.

    While I have no quibble about the mechanicals of said vehicles, I must
    say that the sheet metal of those cars (up to about 1990 ±2 years) was
    substandard. I'd love to get a Texas / Florida / California car of
    those, because anything that has seen snow (and consequently salt) has
    terminal body cancer.

    And speaking of bad dealers, why are Honda and Toyota particularily
    bad for them?


    Quid quid latine dictum sit altum videtur.
    (That which is said in Latin sounds profound.)
    Vuarra, Dec 4, 2003
  10. Scott MacLean

    SoCalMike Guest

    made in england, right??
    SoCalMike, Dec 5, 2003
  11. Scott MacLean

    SoCalMike Guest

    the cars rep sells itself. the salesman is there to add as much to the MSRP
    as possible, and boost their commission.
    SoCalMike, Dec 5, 2003
  12. Scott MacLean

    Tom Resi Guest

    You mean that Honda owners, including you, paid over MSRP for their cars?!?!
    Tom Resi, Dec 5, 2003
  13. From: "SoCalMike"

    OK, maybe I should have *known* better, but darn it, EVERYONE I know with a
    Honda loves it & this car really would be perfect if it wasn't so poorly put

    Robyn Lori Rosenthal
    Sterling Cotons and Park Place Grooming
    Sterling, VA USA
    Robyn Rosenthal, Dec 5, 2003
  14. Scott MacLean

    NetSock Guest

    So what!? I never asked for it.
    So you were crying a little girl? Did you get hysterical?
    And I am peering out my window at NASA.
    But you said they had no repairs...I deem you a liar, thus, your credibility
    on all other matters are questionable. I believe you to be a troll...and not
    a very good one.
    And just what is your "experience" with Hondas missy?
    Well...since you have proven too smart, YES.
    And I have pictures of the space shuttle.


    '03 S2000
    '94 Accord

    It's just about going fast...that's all...
    NetSock, Dec 5, 2003
  15. Scott MacLean

    NetSock Guest

    Hey our idiot returns! Take a long holiday to the village Mikey?

    I'm not "bent" about anything.
    And I keep telling you, you are a liar and a mark. Your fabrications mean
    absoluty nothing to me.
    Not true...I just don't believe this particular tale.
    BTW, we are still waiting for you responses to the lies you were caught in.

    '03 S2000
    '94 Accord

    It's just about going fast...that's all...
    NetSock, Dec 5, 2003
  16. Give it up. There's no point arguing with a complete asshole.
    Oliver Costich, Dec 5, 2003
  17. From: "NetSock">

    I am sorry, but just because you have problems with reading comprehension
    doesn't mean that someone is lying. I stand by my statement that none of them
    has had any repairs outside of normal maintenance and repairs.
    I have given you several examples, that you choose not to acknowledge them does
    not in any way lessen their validity.
    I am sorry, your sarcasm detector seems to be malfunctioning, you might want to
    have that looked at.
    Have a nice day:)Robyn
    Robyn Rosenthal, Dec 5, 2003
  18. Scott MacLean

    NetSock Guest

    Since I don't have that problem, I am unable to address that issue.
    And I stand by mine, that you lack credibility, and thusly so...I don't
    believe you.

    To each their own Robyn... :)
    You mean the ones about a half a million miles with no repairs?
    Sure it does. I don't believe you, thus, I consider your statements invalid.
    Who said anything about being sarcastic? :)
    You too missy... [huuuge grin]

    '03 S2000
    '94 Accord

    It's just about going fast...that's all...
    NetSock, Dec 5, 2003
  19. Scott MacLean

    MikeHunt2 Guest

    I never went away. Like most folks, I simply prefer to avoid
    your small deluded world, when ever possible.. ;)

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt2, Dec 5, 2003
  20. Scott MacLean

    NetSock Guest

    Yes you did...and it was such a nice time without your flagrant lies.
    Speaking for the group again Mikey, or do you have a list? Please share who
    "most folks" are.
    Heh heh...three words for you idiot...just three...
    And BTW, we are still waiting...

    '03 S2000
    '94 Accord

    It's just about going fast...that's all...
    NetSock, Dec 8, 2003
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