Ontario Emission DriveClean Test

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Joseph, Sep 14, 2006.

  1. Joseph

    Joseph Guest

    Could someone please tell me if you own a 1987 vehicle, on which day it
    will qualify to be exempted from the Ontario DriveClean emission test?
    Does it mean that Jan 1, 2007? Or does it mean Jan 1, 2008 when it
    will be exempted?
    Joseph, Sep 14, 2006
  2. Joseph

    TeGGeR® Guest

    It is exempt when it is 20 model years old. The last year for testing 1987
    models is this year.

    It's all here:
    Click on "FAQ: Historic vehicles..."
    TeGGeR®, Sep 14, 2006
  3. So, like some of our states, if it is old and pollutes a lot, you can let it
    get older, pollute even more and we'll make it exempt.

    A few weeks ago, I was on a two lane road, no place to pass, following a
    mid-70's Old. I was actually getting sick from the fumes and had to drop
    back quite a bit to get some clean air.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Sep 14, 2006
  4. Joseph

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Problem is, 20-year old cars make up perhaps 1% of the cars on the road.
    And most of those are not daily drivers.

    Are you aware that the air is 57% cleaner in absolute terms now than it
    was in 1970? That's in spite of a 153% increase in vehicular traffic.
    The US federal EPA says so and you could look it up.

    Including 20+ cars is pure politics and social engineering. It
    accomplishes nothing except make those cars more expensive and
    problematic to own, which is the point.
    TeGGeR®, Sep 14, 2006
  5. Joseph

    Larry Guest

    All of this guilt trip over driving your car is to divert public
    attention from the WORST air polluters.....jet airplanes and power
    plants, the worst of the worst corporate polluters.

    Delta Airlines' jet fuel buyer was on MSNBC discussing fuel prices with
    the stock broker talking heads complaining this was eating into profits

    If we're REALLY interested in air quality, we need to turn off the oil
    burners that make my patio black with soot and build NUCLEAR power

    I'm doing my part with my 33-year-old Mercedes 220 Diesel, shortly I
    At one corner near my home, I've already gotten commitments for over 190
    gallons of used frying oil per WEEK!...FREE!
    Jabulon's oil barons can kiss my ass!
    Larry, Sep 14, 2006
  6. Joseph

    grappletech Guest


    Thanks for doing your part to help the environment. If more people were
    like you, the Earth would be a lot better off. As it is, people put
    more effort into planning their weekly TV viewing schedules than
    thinking about energy, conservation, saving the Earth. My brother had
    an '85 Mercedes 300TD wagon and he ran veggie oil in it. Some idiot ran
    into him and totaled it though. He's looking for a 1970's 240D now. He
    was thinking of starting a co-cop for used veggie oil. We were to
    process it, and sell it in like 10 gallon containers. They could take
    the containers home and use them as needed. Then bring the containers
    back to get refilled.
    grappletech, Sep 14, 2006
  7. Joseph

    Snow Guest

    If the vehicle is 1987 and older it will be exempt since its last
    required testing was 2 yrs ago. If the vehicle is 1988 and newer it
    will have to be tested until it reaches the federally reconized age to
    classify as "antique" which is 30 years old. So my 89 chev "B" body
    wagon has to be tested until 2019.

    Of course this is also dependant on where you live some regions still
    dont have to do testing.

    Snow, Sep 14, 2006
  8. Joseph

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Car and Driver magazine used to say that most of the pollution from autos
    was from the small percent that was not kept up or maintained,the gross
    IIRC,1% was the number they used.
    Cars naturally get more expensive to maintain as they get older.
    They get more problems as they get older and things wear out or degrade
    from heat,ozone,sun,vibration/flexing,rust or corrosion.
    Jim Yanik, Sep 14, 2006
  9. Joseph

    Joseph Guest

    umm.... There is one problem though. I just happen to buy this 1987
    car off someone else. So that means it must pass emission before I can
    get it plated and drive it. I am thinking of just let it sit for 3.5
    months (Oct,Nov,Dec) then when the clock rolls over to 2007. Right now
    I have another beater to drive. I will take the safety certificate to
    the MTO and get it plated. That is if we are all correct about it not
    requiring an emission in 2007. What do you think.
    Joseph, Sep 14, 2006
  10. Joseph

    Larry Guest

    Am I the only one to notice how CLEAN and BLUE the sky was in the week
    after 9/11 when they grounded them all? Not one word, of course, was said
    about it on any of the Propaganda News Channels the corporations run from
    Airline ad money.

    Of course, that also stopped the chemical seeding in all those contrails.
    Go to google and put

    contrails seeding

    into the search engine. There's thousands of websites, now.....and great
    movies on the subject.

    HAARP weapon - be very afraid. www.haarp.com

    Cars aren't polluting the planet beyond repair any more than 2-stroke
    outboard motors are polluting the lakes to death.
    Larry, Sep 14, 2006
  11. Joseph

    Larry Guest

    Wonder how many of those Plymouth K cars I see on The Red Green Show are
    still riding around Canada....covered in duct tape...(c;
    Larry, Sep 14, 2006
  12. Joseph

    thehick Guest

    wrong. wrong wrong. a quote from that very same driveclean web-site
    mentioned in the first response:

    The exemption for 20-year-old light-duty vehicles is ending as we
    begin to focus more on the vehicles most likely to pollute. All cars,
    1988 model year and newer, will require emissions testing until
    they are taken out of service. These vehicles would have had their
    last test for registration renewal in 2007, when they were 19
    years old. They will now need to continue to be tested in 2009
    and ever two years after that.

    sorry to bear bad news...thehick
    thehick, Sep 14, 2006
  13. Joseph

    Zteve20 Guest

    The only "ONLY" reason for the E-Test, is a money grab for the
    Zteve20, Sep 14, 2006
  14. Joseph

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Point is that most of those expenses are discretionary. Unlike having to
    pass a smog check, nobody's holding a gun to your head to get that stuff
    fixed or else.

    No need to tell me. I live through this every day. My car is almost 16
    years old.
    TeGGeR®, Sep 14, 2006
  15. It was mentioned on one of the 5 year memorial TV shows... but they were
    talking about how remarkably clear the skies were at the time of the WTC
    attack, not after the planes were grounded.

    Michael Pardee, Sep 15, 2006
  16. Joseph

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Post hoc ergo propter hoc. Common logical error.
    TeGGeR®, Sep 15, 2006
  17. Joseph

    TeGGeR® Guest

    No, its last required testing is this year. The OP will discover this
    when he goes to get his annual sticker.

    In Ontario, you get your sticker renewal notice about 90 days in
    advance, giving you lots of time to get something done about it.

    Wrong. There is no such DriveClean definition as "antique". Read the
    DriveClean website's description. The ONLY allowance for emissions
    exemption for a post-'87 car is "historic vehicle". And with the advent
    of Premier McSquinty, THEY tell YOU what constitutes a "historic
    vehicle. Simply achieving 30 years old does *NOT* make a car ipso facto
    exempt from smog checks.

    Now if we throw McSquinty's Commies out in the next election, maybe we
    can coax the the next bunch of wanna-be despots into reinstating the 20-
    year rolling exemption... Hey guys, remember this at the polls.
    TeGGeR®, Sep 15, 2006
  18. Joseph

    ajtessier Guest

    That's great for conserving our resources but how clean is the exhaust
    coming out of that car?

    ajtessier, Sep 15, 2006
  19. Joseph

    Larry Guest

    The sky over Charleston, SC, here on the trailing edge of the Westerlies,
    went from its normal whitish grey with purple sunsets to the most
    beautiful blue I think I've ever seen in my 60 years. It stayed that way
    until the day AFTER they filled the skys with oil burners, again. I
    haven't seen it since.

    One of the jobs I used to do is run a mobile calibration laboratory for
    EIL Instruments, a government electronics contractor. We towed a trailer
    lab from FAA site to site calibrating their test equipment. One Sunday,
    we ended up stranded at the FAA long range radar facility near Benson,
    NC, in the Eastern corridor, a radar with a 300 mile range. I sat around
    on my day off with the duty technicians in the radar room. They have a
    test station, a full radar operating station you can see all the targets,
    IFF targets FAA calls "Beacons", for about 300 miles in all directions
    from the huge multimegawatt S-band radar beast rotating overhead. A
    computer controls it all and presents the targets and you can put the
    cursor over one of them and get all kinds of information from the beacon
    system. The radar counted the targets on this Sunday afternoon in about
    1980-81 in central NC. There were over 380 targets painted on that
    screen, the REAL polluters of the air over North Carolina, a huge cluster
    of oil burners.

    It's not your car......
    Larry, Sep 15, 2006
  20. Joseph

    Larry Guest

    Oh, I'm sure if we read the oil company sponsored reports it will
    completely cover the planet in 3" of frying oil in about 3 weeks, if
    allowed to continue.....

    Does it matter whether I burn 21 gallons of it over 1300 miles in the Benz
    or the recovery company sells it to the electricity corporations to burn in
    the power plant?

    Pollution - Watching the Space Shuttle launch from Charleston, SC.....
    Larry, Sep 15, 2006
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