orange fluid under car

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by rynniki, Sep 16, 2005.

  1. rynniki

    rynniki Guest

    Hey guys guess what I found orange fluid under the car again... taking it
    to the mechanic today. what should i tell him to look for.. what do you
    think it could b. the fluid was near the front of the car possibly right
    under the thermostat sensor....also what color is manual tranny fluid i am
    trying to narrow possible problems down it has a new clutch only 3 years
    old and i ahvent noticed any tranny problems. what are symptoms of manual
    trannies going bad ?
    rynniki, Sep 16, 2005
  2. rynniki

    Abeness Guest

    Orange fluid is coolant. Manual tranny fluid is the color of motor
    oil--it's the same stuff.
    Abeness, Sep 16, 2005
  3. If it's orange, it's probably coolant. Perhaps your radiator is leaking.
    High Tech Misfit, Sep 16, 2005
  4. rynniki

    rynniki Guest

    even though the coolant in the radiator is green how does it turn orange
    rynniki, Sep 16, 2005
  5. rynniki

    rynniki Guest

    whats funny is the coolant level in the radiator is fine but the reserve
    tank is always at mininum unless the car was running and the car doesnt
    overheat and i just squirted down where the fluid was and the asphalt got
    eaten away and it was only from overnight.
    rynniki, Sep 16, 2005
  6. rynniki

    butch burton Guest

    The ATF -automatic transmission fluid - in my honda is red to a bit
    orange - maybe this stuff is atf. However you describe your reserve
    tank being at the bottom - fill it to the proper height - you can
    remove the tank to make this task easier. Keep track of the level - if
    it keeps falling - you have a coolant leak.

    Check your atf level - the owners manual will tell you how. Oh - smell
    of the atf dipstick - if it smells burnt - time to replace it - IMHO
    honda atf should be replaced every 35K miles - not the 70K listed in
    the manual. USE ONLY HONDA ATF - some brands say they are compatible -
    could be a pricey mistake not to use honda atf.
    butch burton, Sep 16, 2005
  7. rynniki

    KWW Guest

    Ever thought that the overflow tank might be cracked?
    KWW, Sep 21, 2005
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