OT Cheney - Cutting Gas Tax Stupid

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Don't Taze Me, Bro!, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. How is THAT not insurance?
    That MA effort is an experiment that failed before it was conceived.
    Just wait until people get their tax bills. That program will hit the
    shitter faster than your ideas.
    Peaceful Bill, Jun 18, 2008
  2. See "stem cells from mature donors".
    Peaceful Bill, Jun 18, 2008
  3. Gee, it is the answer in every other civilized country. Virtually any
    of these systems would be preferable to what we have now.

    If you think "Gubmint-run" healthcare is so bad, what is your plan to
    replace Medicare? Should we keep working until we die so that we can
    get employer health insurance? What about companies that don't
    provide it? Would you have the old folks buy private insurance? What
    do you suppose the cost would be today to buy a good policy for a
    70-year-old man in average health? I would guess it would be at least
    $5000 a month and you could still have substantial out-of-pocket
    expenses. That is, if you could get insurance at all, which you
    probably couldn't.
    So why do so many people pay out the nose for insurance? Yes, there
    is Medicaid. A lot of people who have worked hard all their lives and
    built up a little money find that they can't get or can't afford
    private insurance. Then they get sick, go bankrupt and then they get
    Let Medicare compete with private insurance.
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 19, 2008
  4. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    rantonrave Guest

    My tax returns, my tax lawyer, and a little left-wing rag known as
    INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY. Everyone older than McCain, as you and I
    are, knows Reagan raised taxes when it was apparent the supply-side
    magic wasn't working as advertised.
    rantonrave, Jun 19, 2008
  5. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Topp@Work Guest

    State money for roads does not go to Iraq....
    The Libs and greenies have kept them from being built by sueing to save this
    Worm and that plant...
    There was no "intentional malice".

    But Diesel is effectivly Home heating fuel and that demand has gone up....
    and with Diesel being needed more and more in world markets (china and
    india) there is less
    available, hence a price hike...Supply and demand...
    Yea...Just the republicans....algore didn't endorse this at all, and
    nooooone of the other dems either....
    Se my last reply.....
    And some governments can subsidize their own fuel costs by offsetting it
    with profits made from fuel.
    Venezuela and most of the middle east are like that.
    If we could drill here, we could prolly do it to.....
    But, the Dems and liberals have prevented offshore drilling for 30 years, so
    Cuba could drill instead....
    Still bitter that the process worked the way it was supposed to huh?
    Topp@Work, Jun 19, 2008
  6. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Topp@Work Guest

    What part of PAY OF DEBT UNTIL 1978 did you miss?
    We SPENT a lot of money to rebuilt Europe, and The Pacific.
    Topp@Work, Jun 19, 2008
  7. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Topp@Work Guest

    My oil is all Canadian....LOL
    Topp@Work, Jun 19, 2008
  8. The real burden fell on George "read my lips, no new taxes" Bush who
    had to raise taxes appreciably to combat the wild overspending and
    trillion $ deficits accumulated by Reagan. Note that the piper is
    coming due now on GWB's wild overspending and trillion $ deficits.
    still just me, Jun 20, 2008
  9. Apparently you don't know the definition of "insurance" vs. "state
    payout for the uninsured". Perhaps a look at Webster's would help you
    understand "Insurance - Coverage by a contract binding a party to
    indemnify another against specified loss in return for premiums paid."
    I agree it's a nightmare. But MA residents likely won't notice since
    their tax bills are already at ridiculous levels and the percentage
    increase will be small by comparison. Some residents have noticed as
    they are now REQUIRED to buy coverage or face a penalty when they file
    taxes. That hasn't stopped the moronic effort though because those
    folks are not influential in any way.
    still just me, Jun 20, 2008
  10. The "right" to purchase? Yes - assuming they have the $10K a year for
    a policy that still will have only 80% coverage, high out of pocket
    costs, and $500-1000 deductibles per person. Or perhaps they have $5K
    for a $5k deductible policy. Either way, you need a big chunk of
    change to purchase your own coverage and you still pay a huge chunk
    out of your pocket (because health insurance is a service policy, not
    an insurance policy, except in catastrophic cases).

    As for "converting existing coverage", I have to assume you are
    referring to someone who has lost a job that provided insurance and
    has been given a right under CORBA to start paying the policy
    themselves. That coverage gets very expensive as soon as the employer
    paid portion runs out.

    You seem to be someone who has always had employer paid coverage which
    they consider "free" - and not someone who has even run a company and
    had to shoulder the $8K per year per employee or an individual who has
    to pay $10K per year for short coverage.
    still just me, Jun 20, 2008
  11. Do you have any idea how many people are not eligible for Medicaid or
    Medicare yet still don't make enough to shell out $10K per year for
    insurance after paying for housing and food? Word up - we're not
    talking about the "poor" here, we're talking about millions of middle
    class Americans.
    Only for emergencies. Try getting physical therapy for muscle and bone
    injuries without insurance. Try getting a bad hip replaced without
    insurance. Look into scoliosis treatment. The list goes on.
    still just me, Jun 20, 2008
  12. They are highly restricted by income. You really have no feel for the
    depth of the health insurance problem.
    still just me, Jun 20, 2008
  13. By definition, everyone in the 15% bracket pays a marginal rate of
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 20, 2008
  14. It is a commodity. All demand drives up the profits for all
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 20, 2008
  15. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Joe Guest

    No, they do not. They pay 15% of their adjusted income.
    Joe, Jun 20, 2008
  16. Same result. We're paying the premiums one way or another.
    Peaceful Bill, Jun 20, 2008
  17. I shopped for my employer. If people were more selective about who they
    worked for and took more personal responsibility for their own welfare,
    the "problem" would not exist.
    Peaceful Bill, Jun 20, 2008
  18. If they are in need, there's existing tax-funded plans that will cover them.
    Peaceful Bill, Jun 20, 2008
  19. If a person doesn't have enough to cover insurance premiums they will
    fall in that category. If they make enough to not fall in that
    lower-income category then they will have enough to get their insurance.
    Peaceful Bill, Jun 20, 2008
  20. Don't Taze Me, Bro!

    Foobar Guest

    Which says it all.
    Foobar, Jun 20, 2008
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