Outside Temp Gauge Going Bonkers - '03 EX V-6

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dick, Jan 18, 2004.

  1. Dick

    Dick Guest

    In the last few days I have noticed that the outside temperature gauge
    in our 2003 EX V-6 w/nav is reading way too high. This morning, when
    the outside temperature was 29F, even after 10 minutes of driving at
    55 mph the gauge still read 49F. When we first bought the car, the
    temp gauge would stabilize at the correct temp very quickly after
    starting down the road. Strangely, after we drive it for a while, it
    seems to come back to the approximate outside temp. Maybe it was just
    the outside temp catching up with the gauge reading. Anyone else have
    a problem with the outside temp gauge?

    Remove 33 from address
    Dick, Jan 18, 2004
  2. It never shows instantaneous temperature, but some type of rolling average.
    What was temp the last time it had been driven? It doesn't update until
    above a minimum speed, etc. Someone once posted the algorithm it uses.

    Search archives of this group.
    George Elkins, Jan 19, 2004
  3. Dick

    Dick Guest

    Running 55 on a highway should be fast enough to update. Note that
    this car is 7 months old, and has never exhibited this kind of
    behavior before.

    Dick, Jan 19, 2004
  4. Dick

    ravelation Guest

    From: (Dick)
    Even though this feature is basically inconsequential to the
    driveability of the car, I must confess this would drive me nuts as I
    LOVE having the outside temp gauge on my Lexus. Something about knowing
    what the outside temperature is floats my boat.

    If it persists, and it were me, I'd be taking it to the dealer for a
    ravelation, Jan 19, 2004
  5. Even though this feature is basically inconsequential to the
    Got a Lexus for the outside temp? What a moron!

    "If life were like a box of chocolates, everyone would be black and expire in 2
    He Hate Retards, Jan 19, 2004
  6. Here's how it's supposed to work, from Honda ServiceNews February 2003.

    Outside Temperature Indicator Logic: '03 Accord
    On '03 Accord EXs with leather and '03 Accord EX V6s, the outside
    temperature indicator keeps bogus readings to a minimum by delaying the
    refreshing of the display until you're driving the vehicle faster than 19
    mph, and by limiting the display change rate.

    Here's how the logic works:
    When you turn the ignition switch to ON (II):
    .. If the engine coolant temperature is less than 60°C (140°F), the display
    shows the current outside air temperature.
    .. If the engine coolant temperature is greater than 60°C (140°F), the
    display shows the temperature that was stored in memory when you turned the
    switch to LOCK (0). The display doesn't refresh from this reading until you
    drive the vehicle faster than 19 mph for at least 90 seconds. Once this
    criteria is met:
    .. If the measured outside air temperature is greater than the displayed
    temperature, the displayed temperature rises 1°C per minute (about 1.8°F)
    until the two temperatures match.
    .. If the measured outside air temperature is less than the displayed
    temperature, the displayed temperature drops to match the measured outside
    air temperature after about 20 seconds.
    George Elkins, Jan 20, 2004
  7. Dick

    Dick Guest

    As far as I remember, it did read the garage temperature.
    I drove 55 mph for at least five miles.
    The outside temperature was < 30F. The displayed temperature stayed
    near 50F for at least a half hour. After the car sat in a parking lot
    while we were shopping, and the ambient temperature did rise to around
    50F, then the temp gauge agreed with the outside temp. I would guess
    it takes at least an hour to stabilize at the correct temperature.

    Thanks for the information. It will give me something to use when I
    talk to the dealer. Not looking forward to that as the dealer is 100
    miles away, and the gauge will not be malfunctioning when I get there.
    They will want it overnight, which means hotel expenses, etc. I guess
    I will just put up with it for a while.

    Dick, Jan 20, 2004
  8. Dick

    ravelation Guest

    You do realize that by having your head _so far_ up your ass, it cuts
    off the necessary air needed for your brain to think. At all.

    Unless, of course, your comments are getting their life from the noxious
    farts you're giving your brain. That could explain a lot about you,
    ravelation, Jan 20, 2004
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