Overdrive off/on

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by F1!, Aug 26, 2003.

  1. F1!

    F1! Guest

    I drive a 03 CRV-LX in NE PA where it is extremely hilly and I keep
    switching the Overdrive button off whenever going up a hill or going
    downhill. Will this affect my engine or transmission in the long run?
    How is the overdrive controlled electronically (through a push

    F1!, Aug 26, 2003
  2. F1!

    MikeHunt Guest

    The controller is electric, as opposed to vacuum operated. Why
    not simply allow the transmission to do what it was designed to
    do? It will shift out of OD when the lower gear is needed going
    up hill and back up when not. Turn the OD off when you do not
    want it to shift as designed, like when driving around the shift
    speed for some distance. Shifting down on the long grades in
    your area is fine, but why not use the brakes to slow you down?
    That is what the are designed to do as well. Brakes lining is
    cheaper than extra wear on a tranny, to boot.

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt, Aug 26, 2003
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