Overheating Problem - Heater cools down

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Gerard, Oct 31, 2003.

  1. Gerard

    Gerard Guest

    I have a 92 Honda Civic. One day the temperature shot up to really
    high on the gauge. I managed to get home etc. without damage to engine
    after allowing to cool etc.

    I inspected the next day and replaced the radiator and coolant. Took
    it for a test run and worked well... but then shot up to the red

    I have recently had the water pump replaced and am sure the fan is
    working properly.

    I know... your thinking thermostat right? Well here is the catch.
    The temperature goes down when you put it on full blast??? This makes
    for uncomfortable driving during the summer months!

    Could this be the thermostat or a blocked heater hose?

    Any ideas would be appreciated.

    Gerard, Oct 31, 2003
  2. Gerard

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    Possable head gasket leak.
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Oct 31, 2003
  3. Gerard

    w_tom Guest

    Are you confusing thermostat for radiator with thermostat
    for cabin heat? They are completely different systems that
    share only one thing - coolant and engine heat.

    Why, pray tell, would you just wildly replace things before
    first discovering the failure? If radiator was reason for
    failure, then some simple testing would have made that
    obvious. Shop manual even provides a simple 'kitchen' test to
    locate reason for failure. Suggest you get that so inexpensive
    shop manual before fixing things. Even how to test a
    thermostat can destroy the thermostat if basic and obvious
    precautions are not exercised.

    Most mechanics no longer perform such tests because (if they
    are any good) they have already learned from such testing or
    equivalent. But being so new to repair, learn some of what a
    mechanic calls 'common sense'. A manual is more important to
    you than it would be to a professional mechanic. IOW your
    original question was already answered by those nine pages in
    section 10 of that shop manual.
    w_tom, Oct 31, 2003
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