Owners Manual Holder

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Steve L., Mar 27, 2005.

  1. Steve L.

    Steve L. Guest

    Can someone tell me where I might be able to purchase a nice organizer that
    would hold the manuals that came with my new Accord? I need at least 4
    sleeves. I got spoiled when I drove Volvos, and I should have kept the
    organizer that came with my last Volvo, Honda doesn't give you anything.
    Steve L., Mar 27, 2005
  2. Steve L.

    Brian Smith Guest

    I use a file folder in my file cabinet for organizing my manuals. Most of
    the time my reading glasses are home, so to read them I have to be home

    Brian Smith, Mar 27, 2005
  3. Steve L.

    motsco_ _ Guest


    The plastic ones with two pockets are available for free at ANY (even
    non-Honda) dealership. They have the dealer's name all over them, for
    advertising purposes, and they want you to think of them when you're
    looking in the manual. :)

    (as brian alluded) It depends whether you're the kind of person who
    wants to keep the manual in the car, or in the house. I keep the manual
    at home, but my radio code is written inside the fusebox covers so I'm
    covered if I ever have to disconnect the power when I'm in another city.
    Other important contact info is in my Palm device, and I've pretty much
    memorized the contents of the manual.

    motsco_ _, Mar 27, 2005
  4. Steve L.

    bearman Guest

    Shouldn't the owner's manual be in the car where things that you need to
    read about happen? Buy a cheap pair of reading glasses and store them with
    the manual.
    bearman, Mar 27, 2005
  5. Steve L.

    bearman Guest

    How about writing the radio code inside the manual cover?
    bearman, Mar 27, 2005
  6. Steve L.

    Brian Smith Guest

    I could see that as being the case if I only looked at the Owners Manual
    when something went wrong with the vehicle. I read the Owners Manual for the
    vehicle after I come home from purchasing it, then nothing is a surprise.
    Besides, Glove Compartments were named that, because of what they are
    supposed to have in them {;^)

    Brian Smith, Mar 27, 2005
  7. Steve L.

    Brian Smith Guest

    It's not that hard to reach the fuse box cover from the vehicle.
    Brian Smith, Mar 27, 2005
  8. Steve L.

    bearman Guest

    Back in the days, maybe. Not anymore.

    I also reads the owner's manual cover to cover as soon as I get it but then
    it goes into the "glove" compartment where it's always handy.
    bearman, Mar 27, 2005
  9. Steve L.

    G-Man Guest

    I just got 6 of these for every vehicle in the household.


    G-Man, Mar 28, 2005
  10. Steve L.

    Brian Smith Guest

    True enough. It's seldom that I wear gloves.
    I find it just as handy to have it at home. To each their own.
    Brian Smith, Mar 28, 2005
  11. Steve L.

    Billy Hates Guest

    I have looked into my gloves compartment and found there audio cassettes,
    CDs, pens, pencils, a bunch of old mapquest directions, a single-use photo
    camera, bubble gum, a tire pressure meter, a flashlight,
    toothpicks, everything but gloves nor manuals. I don't remember where I
    put them, probably they are somewhere in my garage. Common, what manuals?
    I got "alt.autos.honda" ;)

    Billy Hates, Apr 4, 2005
  12. Steve L.

    bearman Guest

    Great! Access them when you're on the road in Bumfuck, Wyoming.
    bearman, Apr 4, 2005
  13. Steve L.

    Billy Hates Guest


    I'll grab those books when I'll be going to you, Bearman, in Bumfuck.

    Exactly! What would I do without the owner's manual if it's gonna be hot
    there in Wyoming? Who would tell me how to turn on my A/C? Or where I
    could find out how qualified and what specialist I should refer with a
    burned bulb?


    Billy Hates, Apr 4, 2005
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