oxygen sensor

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jim beam, Aug 19, 2005.

  1. jim beam

    jim beam Guest

    just for giggles, i've done some experiments with some different oxygen
    sensors i've picked up at junk yards on my 89 civic. the results
    surprised me:

    aftermarket oxygen sensors will get you through smog no problems, but it
    seems they have a very poor response time compared to oem. this means
    hesitation on rapid acceleration, poor gas mileage, and general
    drivability issues. the most remarkable effect to me was very harsh
    shifting on my automatic.

    using oem, car drives great. try another aftermarket sensor, car
    definitely works, but persistent symptoms as above. go back to another
    eom sensor, car drives perfect again.

    moral of the story: even though they're 3 or more times the price of
    after-market sensors, if you're serious about keeping your honda on the
    road and being happy with it, /only/ use honda oem oxygen sensors.
    jim beam, Aug 19, 2005
  2. jim beam

    Elle Guest

    Good one. About how many aftermarket sensors did you check?
    Elle, Aug 19, 2005
  3. jim beam

    jim beam Guest

    two. both were used, but good enough for experiments i thought. bosch
    & some other generic thing whose name escapes me.
    jim beam, Aug 19, 2005
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