
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mike Adams via CarKB.com, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. I have a 99 Honda Accord and my CEL light came on. Instead of paying the
    dealer $95 to check it out I purchased a reader and it comes up with P1457.
    I have done some searching and reading and for the most part it looks like
    it is the CVS (Cannister Vent Shut Valve?) that is probably causing the
    problem. How are easy are they to replace? Is there a good place to
    purchase them from? I found an auction on ebay
    ViewItem&rd=1&item=7941674354&category=33609&sspagename=WD1V) but would
    rather buy it from a store either locally or on the interenet since I have
    no real idea what the part from ebay is
    Mike Adams via CarKB.com, Apr 27, 2005
  2. Mike Adams via CarKB.com

    halo2 guy Guest

    According to my 96 accord factory service manual the code is the
    Evaporative emission control system leak detected. (EVAP control canister

    The probably causes are vacuum connection, evap control canister, fuel tank
    pressure sensor, evap bypass solenoid valve, evap two way valve, evap
    control canister vent shut valve, fuel tank, evap purge control solenoid

    I would buy online from a reputable place like majestic honda or something.

    I can't answer any of your other questions.

    The troubleshooting portion is a few pages long. Unfortunately I cannot
    scan and email them to you.
    halo2 guy, Apr 27, 2005
  3. halo2 guy - thanks for the info.

    I have seen other people with this problem on the forum. Has anybody
    actually fixed it and it is pretty simple? The parts seem pretty cheap and
    I would hate to take it to the dealerahip and get ripped off
    Mike Adams via CarKB.com, Apr 27, 2005
  4. Mike Adams via CarKB.com

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Before you spend money and skin knuckles, re-tighten your gas cap at least
    five clicks, and wait a few days. Light may go off. If it does not, *then*
    worry about the rest of the EVAP system.

    Do nothing until then.
    TeGGeR®, Apr 27, 2005
  5. Already did the gas cap thing. I reset it, drove 150 miles, came back on.
    Reset it again, drove 250 miles, and it came back on. I have had gas cap
    problems in the past but I think this is somehting different
    Mike Adams via CarKB.com, Apr 27, 2005
  6. Mike Adams via CarKB.com

    Brian Smith Guest

    I had the same problem two weeks ago. I went to the dealer, $52.00 here for
    the code to be read and light reset. The same code came up, the part is
    $91.27 and 1.4 hours labour (plus tax of course). After the dealership
    resetting the light it has not come back on, and until it does I'm not about
    to worry about it <g>.

    I bought the code reader myself this past Saturday (on sale at Canadian
    Tire), and it will pay for itself in five uses.

    Brian Smith, Apr 27, 2005
  7. Brian Smith - thanks for the info. Which part did they replace? The CVS?
    Mike Adams via CarKB.com, Apr 28, 2005
  8. Mike Adams via CarKB.com

    Brian Smith Guest

    I didn't have the valve replaced. The CEL didn't come on again, and it's
    been a week and a half since it first came on. They blamed it on the gas cap
    not being turned until it clicked at least three times. But I always turn it
    so that it clicks five or more times, and I've topped the tank up three
    times in the last week.

    Brian Smith, Apr 28, 2005
  9. Mike Adams via CarKB.com

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Just overfilling the tank can generate a couple of codes, if the liquid
    fuel gest sucked into the Evap cannister . . . thought I'd mention that too.

    motsco_ _, Apr 28, 2005
  10. I see some people say check the gas cap. I thought P1456 was the gas cap
    code and P1457 usually pointed to the CVS? Is it worth it to try getting a
    new gas cap? Do I need a OEM gas cap or will generic work just fine?
    Mike Adams via CarKB.com, Apr 28, 2005
  11. aaa
    Mike Adams via CarKB.com, Apr 29, 2005
  12. I called up http://www.hondaautomotiveparts.com to verify the part I
    needed. The person on the phone said to purchase numbers 6, 8, and 52 off
    the chart (http://www.hondaautomotiveparts.com/auto/jsp/mws/prddisplay.jsp?

    Is that what everybody else purchased to fix p1457? I thought I read
    people were only purchasing #8 to fix the problem. From what I have read
    these parts are pretty easy to replace. Is that true? I am also going to
    purchase a new gas cap just in case and since I am making an order anyway.

    Thanks for the help
    Mike Adams via CarKB.com, May 4, 2005
  13. Mike Adams via CarKB.com

    bearman Guest

    Odyssey 2000 75K miles. I've had many problems with the Check Engine light
    problem. First I replaced the gas cap (about $8 US). Fine for a while.
    And we're really conscientious about making sure the cap clicks at least six
    times. I found that the replacement cap starts clicking too easily; before
    it really has a chance to seal. Looked for rought spots on the filler neck.
    Nothing. Tried a little petroleum jelly on the cap o-ring. No luck. Tried
    pushing down harder when tightening the cap but once the thing starts
    clicking, it ratchets and doesn't tighten anymore. Took the van in and had
    the dealer check out the whole system under my extended warranty. He did a
    pressure test twice which passed both times. Gave me a new gas cap
    (goodwill freebie). So far, so good but it's only been less than a day.
    bearman, May 4, 2005
  14. Does anybody have any insight?

    I called up http://www.hondaautomotiveparts.com to verify the part I
    needed. The person on the phone said to purchase numbers 6, 8, and 52 off
    the chart (http://www.hondaautomotiveparts.com/auto/jsp/mws/prddisplay.jsp?

    Is that what everybody else purchased to fix p1457? I thought I read
    people were only purchasing #8 to fix the problem. From what I have read
    these parts are pretty easy to replace. Is that true? I am also going to
    purchase a new gas cap just in case and since I am making an order anyway.

    Thanks for the help
    Mike Adams via CarKB.com, May 5, 2005
  15. Does anybody have any insight?

    I called up http://www.hondaautomotiveparts.com to verify the part I
    needed. The person on the phone said to purchase numbers 6, 8, and 52 off
    the chart (http://www.hondaautomotiveparts.com/auto/jsp/mws/prddisplay.jsp?

    Is that what everybody else purchased to fix p1457? I thought I read
    people were only purchasing #8 to fix the problem. From what I have read
    these parts are pretty easy to replace. Is that true? I am also going to
    purchase a new gas cap just in case and since I am making an order anyway.

    Thanks for the help
    Mike Adams via CarKB.com, May 5, 2005
  16. Can anybody help?? I have inspection this month and I am worried it won't
    Mike Adams via CarKB.com, May 6, 2005
  17. Mike Adams via CarKB.com

    bearman Guest

    Can anybody help?? I have inspection this month and I am worried it won't
    One of the things to be careful of is to not top off the tank. Liquid
    gasoline in the evap system is not good. I set the nozzle shutoff to only
    the first click so the gasoline doesn't surge up into the filler tube.

    In New Mexico, even if your OBD reading shows a fault code but the gas cap
    passes its test, you can be approved but only for one year. Maybe it's the
    same where you are.

    My Check Engine Light travails continue. The light stayed out for about 24
    hours. The van goes back into the shop next week for another look.
    bearman, May 6, 2005
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