paint peeling on front bumper and tree sap "stains"

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Chris Garcia, Jul 30, 2003.

  1. Chris Garcia

    Chris Garcia Guest

    The paint on my front bumper is peeling.. Every time i drive (cause of
    wind) the paint peels further.. Is there any way i can stop it from
    peeling? and is there a DIY solution to repainting (possibly sanding and
    touch-up spray?) the spots that are peeled...

    or is this going to be a costly "body shop has to repaint the entire
    bumper" job?

    .... also as mentioned here before.. I used a clay bar to remove a good
    bit of the sap spots on my car.. the older spots are still there.. and a
    lot of the ones that came off.. there's a greyish "stain" left.. i'm
    guessing that's permanent.. am i wrong?

    -Chris <- My Homepage <- Centerpoint Station, the "ghost-town"
    of the Star Wars Universe!
    Chris Garcia, Jul 30, 2003
  2. Chris Garcia

    SoCalMike Guest

    when was the front bumper replaced? who did the crappy paint job?
    SoCalMike, Jul 30, 2003
  3. Chris Garcia

    Chris Garcia Guest

    "SoCalMike" <> decided to join the
    conversation on 29 Jul 2003 with message
    i'm not 100% sure if it was replaced or not.. i got the car from my
    grandpa 2-3 weeks ago.. i looked at the records he gave me .. there's
    some body work that was done about 2 years ago. lemme see if i can find

    ... some time passes ..

    here it is.. ok, i was off by a few years.. it says november 11, 1998. I
    may call them up and ask what kind of warranty there is on it.. (invoice
    is posted at bottom of message)

    since my last name matches one on the invoice.. the license plate isn't
    recorded on the invoice.. i may be able to get around that "warranty is
    non-transferrable" by saying that i'm bringing it in for my 88 year old
    grandfather. .... that is IF the warranty is still in effect.

    *** begin invoice excerpt ***

    37 CBH 6.60

    1 71191-S01-A00 STIFFENER
    1 71141-S01-A00 STIFFENER
    1 71121-S00-A01ZL GRL BASE
    1 60211-S04-A00ZZ RT FENDER
    1 33101-S01-A01 HEADLIGHT
    1 71122-S00-A01ZB GRL MLDG
    6 9987-40-310 SCREW,TAPPING

    457 CBH 10.30

    *** the rest is some other stuff that doesn't seem important at this

    -Chris <- My Homepage <- Centerpoint Station, the "ghost-town"
    of the Star Wars Universe!
    Chris Garcia, Jul 30, 2003
  4. Chris Garcia

    SoCalMike Guest

    sounds to me like they didnt use the "flex additive" that should have been
    sprayed on the bumper, prior to priming and painting. they either didnt know
    it needed it, or didnt care. ive seen a lot of cars with paint that comes
    off in sheets like that. ugh.
    SoCalMike, Jul 30, 2003
  5. Chris Garcia

    Chris Garcia Guest

    "SoCalMike" <> decided to join the
    conversation on 30 Jul 2003 with message
    so should i even bother asking about a warranty almost 5 years later? it
    doesn't seem to be peeling in "new" spots, just continuations of the same
    spots.. if that makes any sense.. if there's some way i can stop it from
    peeling further, i'd be a bit happier about the situation. i'd be even
    happier if i could easily mask off the peeled areas and repaint them with
    some "import color" from pep boys.

    -Chris <- My Homepage <- Centerpoint Station, the "ghost-town"
    of the Star Wars Universe!
    Chris Garcia, Jul 30, 2003
  6. Chris Garcia

    SoCalMike Guest

    its just a shell. all the sensitive stuff is behind the bracing.
    probably about $100 in materials, and 2 hrs labor, or under $300 total.
    depends on the shop, what they use, and what they charge. its not hard to
    mask a bumper, but the price would be higher if they removed it. if the car
    is otherwise pristine, sure- id go for taking the shell off, sanding, etc.
    if its just a daily driver, id just mask the body from the bumper, and have
    at it.
    SoCalMike, Jul 31, 2003
  7. Chris Garcia

    Chris Garcia Guest

    "SoCalMike" <> decided to join the
    conversation on 30 Jul 2003 with message
    good.. i'll probably DIY
    the body of the car is in really good condition.. the only physical
    problems are there's maybe two tiny dents (i might try to figure out how
    to take the fender off to pop it out.. it's a really small dent... or
    "ding") and there's tree sap all over it.. I took a clay bar to it and it
    took off most of it.. some sots left a greyish "stain" behind..

    if it's just a matter of undoing a few bolts, then i'd probably want to
    take it off and paint it.. if i have to remove (much) more than just the
    shell, then i'll probably mask it off.. i'd really like to take the whole
    thing off so i can sand down the whole thing and re-do the WHOLE thing..
    since if i don't, it'll just start peeling somewhere else.

    i just need to know: what grade/grit/whatever sandpaper should i use? are
    there any websites that show how this is done? can i find flex additive
    online? same for the color i need (although i can get it at pep boys)?
    how much would i need? anything else important i should know?


    -Chris <- My Homepage <- Centerpoint Station, the "ghost-town"
    of the Star Wars Universe!
    Chris Garcia, Jul 31, 2003
  8. Chris Garcia

    P. Moss Guest

    Pretty easy. Just a few screws and those plastic clip things you access by
    raising the hood. I took mine off a few months ago to fix the license plate

    P. Moss, Aug 1, 2003
  9. Chris Garcia

    SoCalMike Guest

    try the yellow pages, under "auto body supply". take the car down there and
    get a second opinion. they might wanna mix up a custom can of paint (spray
    bomb) for you, thatll be compatible with the flex additive and primer.
    SoCalMike, Aug 1, 2003
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