Paranoid about remote key

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ibexes86051, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. ibexes86051

    ibexes86051 Guest

    As a new owner I have been shell-shocked by the high price and
    technical complexity of getting a duplicate remote master or even
    valet key made for 2007 Accord V-6.

    One online accessories/parts site sells a small leather case that
    protects the key and has a see-through plastic face for pushing
    buttons on the remote.

    Is it paranoid to get something like this to "protect" the key?

    And why do all keys have to be available and reprogrammed when a copy
    is made? Can't the existing key and its security code by cloned or
    does the anti-theft systen actually remember and read each key
    ibexes86051, Jul 27, 2007
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