Parking brake won't grab on one side.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Meatman, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. Meatman

    Meatman Guest

    Last CRX post, I promise! 88 CRX DX. Just did rear drums and shoes
    install. Adjusted parking brake on jackstands per the manual.
    However with parking brake fully engaged one rear wheel barely (if at
    all) has any drag to it at all. And I can see that the PB arm/lever
    behind the trailing shoe has, infact, moved at least an inch, maybe
    2.. Other wheel behaves properly. I know this has to be simple, but
    I can't figgur it out. Hardware and install has been triple-checked
    and all seems to be kosher. Thoughts? Thx.

    Meatman, Mar 6, 2008
  2. Meatman

    jim beam Guest

    post pics of each side please?
    jim beam, Mar 6, 2008
  3. Meatman

    motsco_ Guest


    Can you pop off the cover at the other end of the cable and see whether
    both cables are moving the same? One might have rust or other problem.
    It's a very quick way to diagnose what's functioning or not. That's how
    I figured out that somebody had assembled my rear drum brakes wrong on a
    '97 CR-V. One cable was moving 1/2", other was moving 2". The armored
    cable was on the wrong side of the guide in the back.

    motsco_, Mar 6, 2008
  4. Meatman

    motsco_ Guest


    CLARIFICATION: I'm talking about the plastic cover at the hand brake, if
    yours has one.

    motsco_, Mar 6, 2008
  5. Meatman

    Meatman Guest

    Actually, Curly that's what first tipped me off. The adjusting nut
    and "equalizer" trail the handbrake lever in the center console area.
    And I saw just that. One side was pulling far and the other side was
    lagging behind. That is to say the equalizer bar and cable didn't
    form right angles because one of the rear brakes is out of whack. Esp
    peculiar after a brake job. I also noticed on the other side that the
    cable guide problem existed too. Cable section with spring was not
    behind the lower center tab on backing plate but rather on top of/
    outside of it and not in the guide/retainer.. Fixed that and fixed
    opposite side(problematic side) adjuster/star that was screwed all the
    way in and binding.

    Wondering: Is the parking brake action in any way related to the
    hydraulics/piston mobility. Maybe as far as proximity to the drum,
    right? Similarly, if self adjuster is not self-adjusting then
    possibly shoe could be "too far" from drum to engage, right? I have
    pumped brakes, started car, pumped brakes to set the brakes again.
    Will try for pics shortly if time allows.

    Meatman, Mar 7, 2008
  6. Meatman

    motsco_ Guest

    Meatman wrote:
    That's exactly what was wrong with mine. Somebody had pulled that cable
    out from behind the 'tab' and so the cable wasn't pulling efficiently.
    There's something like 13 spots that need to be lubricated when you have
    them open. If the adjusters wont' self-adjust, your pedal travel will
    slowly get worse. Notch up the adjusters until things start to rub, tap
    the brake pedal to center everything. If it's right, it should work like
    in this thread:

    motsco_, Mar 8, 2008
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