People who claim 'they could build a 400mpg Hybrid' amuse me.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by SFTVratings_troy, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. SFTVratings_troy

    dbu,. Guest

    Joe has plenty of time regardless.
    dbu,., Feb 14, 2007
  2. SFTVratings_troy

    Brian Smith Guest

    They are ticketed/fined.
    Brian Smith, Feb 14, 2007
  3. Same here. Many have lost their licenses because of drunk driving. We're not
    allowed to shoot them (yet).
    JoeSpareBedroom, Feb 14, 2007

  4. Silly. That took me about 11 seconds.
    JoeSpareBedroom, Feb 14, 2007

  5. What does YOUR boss think of you wasting paid hours on the internet, you
    crack hound?
    JoeSpareBedroom, Feb 14, 2007
  6. SFTVratings_troy

    dbu,. Guest

    I am retired.
    dbu,., Feb 15, 2007

  7. I don't believe you.
    JoeSpareBedroom, Feb 15, 2007
  8. SFTVratings_troy

    dbu,. Guest

    You should go clear your driveway then.
    dbu,., Feb 15, 2007
  9. SFTVratings_troy

    dbu,. Guest

    Oh, I know that is bad english, Cathy.
    dbu,., Feb 15, 2007
  10. I have to challenge composite = less safe. F1 car chasses are
    virtually 100% composite and protect drivers against unimaginable
    impacts. I remember a car losing tire pressure as it entered a high
    speed corner during a practice session. The rear end came around and
    it ended up slamming broadside into a concrete barrier at 160 mph. It
    bounced to the other side of the track rolling violently and throwing
    peripheral parts in every direction. It wasn't that surprising to see
    the driver shimmying out of the upside down cockpit a few seconds
    after the car came to a stop. It was amusing that he took a few steps
    around to inspect the other side of the car before the corner worker
    ushered him off the track. The truly amazing part was that the
    mechanics worked all night so that he could drive that car in the race
    the next day.

    400 mpg in a road car powered by gas alone is impossible. Period.
    However, plug in hybrids could run considerable distance on
    electricity alone and could conceivably get infinite mpg. This is not
    an altogether invalid point since electricity could be generated in a
    number of ways that do not require burning of fossil fuel.
    Gordon McGrew, Feb 15, 2007
  11. That won't happen.

    Automakers really don't want to sell cars to people that are extreme
    economy cars - because the sales message is 'save money same money save
    and the car buyer then starts asking the automaker uncomfortable questions
    like "why don't you drop the price of the car some more so I can save money"

    Even the Prius, look at the advertising. Do they tout how much money the
    Prius saves? hell no! Instead they tout it's "green" effect.

    Hyundai and a few others tried the "advertise cheap car" route back in the
    80's and the excessive price cutting drove them to produce pure crap, and
    so they lost their auto business as a result of it.

    People that really want to save money in city driving go and buy

    car makers all sell cars based on how sexy they are supposed to make you.
    And rubbing the face off every nickle never made anyone look sexy.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Feb 15, 2007
  12. SFTVratings_troy

    Coyoteboy Guest

    Who's they anyway?
    Coyoteboy, Feb 15, 2007
  13. SFTVratings_troy

    Bucky Guest

    excellent point.
    Bucky, Feb 15, 2007
  14. SFTVratings_troy

    Brian Smith Guest

    Lethal injection works for me, it's a quieter means of disposing of the
    Brian Smith, Feb 15, 2007
  15. SFTVratings_troy

    Ubiquitous Guest

    You're posting this here because? And no, that last sentence is

    ISLAM: Winning the hearts and minds of the world, one bomb at a time.
    Ubiquitous, Feb 15, 2007
  16. But not all automakers do that, and not all automakers exist yet. The market
    does exist for more efficient automobiles - a lesson Detroit learned the
    hard way in 1973. Design for extreme economy pretty much reached its zenith
    until hybrid technology started to appear. After all, the VW Lupo 3L barely
    competed with the first generation Prius around town and was not something
    people would want to drive in town ( and the

    Hybridization brings a whole new set of rules. There is no big trick to
    designing for fuel economy - most of it happens as a result of basic design.
    The powerplant shrinks to the size needed for maximum continuous output
    needed while the electrics handle acceleration. That means smaller engine
    blocks for less fuel used to warm up engines and more efficient operation
    when they are producing power. Toyota's and Honda's systems can't do all
    that yet - it will take roughly doubling the power handling of the
    controllers and motors to make the cars serial hybrids. Once the threshold
    is passed, it's all a matter of production capacity.

    30 years ago fuel injection was limited to performance cars and a few
    European cars. Now it is virtually universal - although the benefits are
    only a fraction of the benefits of hybridization. My dad told me that
    electric starters were considered impractical luxuries when they were
    introduced (although he had suffered a "Ford arm" when he was young, from
    forgetting to retard the spark before cranking). Time will level out this
    bump also.
    Michael Pardee, Feb 15, 2007
  17. Safer on the side of the road, too, in busy neighborhoods.
    JoeSpareBedroom, Feb 15, 2007
  18. SFTVratings_troy

    edv Guest

    The word hybrid sorta means joining two (or more) different things to
    make a new one. 400 mpg can be a hybrid of a solar panel, hydrogen
    engine, gas engine and the electric motor, who knows maybe nuclear.
    One thing I know is that 400 mpg car wouldn't be an SUV

    It's a conspiracy.. engines can ran on water but the oil companies and
    car manufacturers are all part of the conspiracy. ... grin
    edv, Feb 15, 2007

  19. I think your numbers are a little bit high.
    It's probably only about 75%.

    George Carlin put it best:

    There's only two kinds of drivers in the world: Idiots and Maniacs.

    Anyone who is going slower than you is "an IDIOT !"
    Anyone who is going faster than you is " a MANIAC !".

    The Boston Rag, Feb 15, 2007
  20. SFTVratings_troy

    Brian Smith Guest

    Brian Smith, Feb 15, 2007
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