Pilot LX Rear Heater/AC Problem

Discussion in 'Pilot' started by Pilot LX, Jan 19, 2004.

  1. Pilot LX

    Pilot LX Guest

    I have a 2004 Honda Pilot LX and seem to have a problem with the rear
    AC/Heater. When the knob is turned to the left for cooling,
    everything seems fine. However when the knob is turned to the right
    for heat, there is no airflow. You can hear some air noise in the
    console but nothing comes out.

    Before I bug the dealer, I was wondering if anyone hear had any

    THanks in advance!
    Pilot LX, Jan 19, 2004
  2. Read your owner's manual.

    Trust me.

    You bought a $30,000 vehicle and haven't even bothered to crack the book
    yet. You came here first and expect to be spoon-fed the answer.

    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jan 19, 2004
  3. Pilot LX

    Steve Lee Guest

    Go check out www.hondapilot.org/www.honda-pilot.org. I believe there
    was a TSB about this. Also, do a search for "rear heater" or "rear
    vent" and you should be some hits.
    Steve Lee, Jan 19, 2004
  4. Pilot LX

    Steve Lee Guest

    What?? What would reading the manual do in this situation? The
    poster said that when the knob is turned to the left, it functions
    correctly, but when turned to the right, it doesn't seem to.

    There still should be some airflow no matter which way the rear
    climate control temperature control is turned. He can read the manual
    until the cows come home, but won't solve his problem.
    Steve Lee, Jan 19, 2004
  5. Pilot LX

    Pilot LX Guest

    Thanks for the advice Steve, and don't mind Elmo. His penis envy
    problem is showing again.
    Pilot LX, Jan 20, 2004
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