Ping: Elle, Tegger, Michael Pardee

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Stephen H, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. Stephen H

    Stephen H Guest

    As you three are the people I respect the most in this and other auto news
    groups; I'd thought I'd let you all know about my career change.
    As of 10 April I resigned my position at the local Firestone shop and was
    hires by the local auto conglomerate in our area; A Subaru and Suzuki
    dealership ( although they do have Honda's Chevies, Toyota's Ford, Lexus,
    and a few others in this town also)
    I learned allot from Firestone; and will always buy my tires there from what
    I have seen in 4.5 years of service; but as a corporation they think that a
    auto tech is a slave; working 10 hours a day without a lunch and 50 hours a
    week for 40 hours of pay. As one Manager told me "the 40 hour labor law
    isn't written about the auto techs (Flat-rate)"
    Anyway; I'm a used car tech now; looking at the used cars to decide if and
    what needs to be repaired for resale. He wants me to go to Suzuki school and
    specialize on them, but from what I've seen I'm a little wary of them; Can
    you say Daewoo?
    It's nice to see how a dealership operates; and watching a tech assemble and
    install a Subaru long block in about 3 hours is amazing. the people are
    great; the hours respectable; and I get a lunch.
    I look forward to sharing what I learn; and learning more from you three.

    Stephen W. Hansen
    ASE Certified Master Automobile Technician
    ASE Automobile Advanced Engine Performance
    ASE Undercar Specialist
    Stephen H, Apr 30, 2006
  2. Stephen H

    tww Guest

    Given Suzuki's performance in motorcycles, I should think the potential is
    there in their cars. Of course, I am drawing a parallel with Honda here
    which may not necessarily follow in the case of Suzuki.
    tww, Apr 30, 2006
  3. Stephen H

    Elle Guest

    How awful. And I'm not saying that just to be female-nice.
    Working through lunch is baloney and is the path to an early
    heart attack, short-tempered personality (not you, though!),
    or similar. Working 50 for 40 hours pay would be a sore
    point always.
    Sounds like definite fun to me but with far less physical,
    and hard(!) labor, than at Firestone, I hope!
    If you do it, I hope you'll post assessments of Suzuki's and
    Subaru's product. I have known an awful lot of people that
    are extremely loyal Subaru customers, and they seem to do
    very well in Consumer Reports reliability surveys. Love that
    Thank you for the kind words. I trust it's obvious that
    Tegger and Michael (along with several other regulars here,
    who are also far less of the rabble rousing type compared to
    me!) are far far more experienced, and I bow to them (with
    Elle, Apr 30, 2006
  4. Stephen H

    Stephen H Guest

    From what is said around the shop; GM bought the Suzuki and has put it on
    Daewoo's; trying to capitalize off the Suzuki name.

    Stephen H, May 1, 2006
  5. Stephen H

    Stephen H Guest

    Most all the techs and management have Subaru's; both old and new; that says
    alot to me.

    Stephen W. Hansen
    ASE Certified Master Automobile Technician
    ASE Automobile Advanced Engine Performance
    ASE Undercar Specialist

    Thank you for the kind words. I trust it's obvious that
    Stephen H, May 1, 2006
  6. Stephen H

    Elle Guest

    Indeed! From what I've seen, Subaru buyers are much more
    intelligent (and so kinder) people than the run-of-the-mill
    automobile owners. They /like/ their Subarus; enjoy talking
    about them; enjoy seeing to their maintenance.

    I think it's great to have someone "on the inside" posting
    here; really constructively helps the diversity of the
    newsgroup. I hope you continue to find some time to do so.
    Good luck with the new job.
    Elle, May 1, 2006
  7. Stephen H

    Stephen H Guest

    Given Suzuki's performance in motorcycles, I should think the potential is

    on the door panel of a Suzuki sedan I read today something along the lines
    of "owned by gm, made by Daewoo"

    Two cars in the shop today with 10,000 and possible head issues.

    Stephen H, May 2, 2006
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