Please help me

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by theman181818, Oct 13, 2005.

  1. theman181818

    theman181818 Guest

    Thank you for taking 5 minutes out of your time and reading the letter
    that I've wrote. Before I tell you what is it all about, I just like to
    tell you that here you won't make any money this letter purpose is not
    to make you reach. I'll start with telling a little bit about myself,
    my name is Michael and I'm from Israel. I'm 18 years old, I am playing
    tennis, and I'm a tennis coach too. Right now I'm studying in the 12th
    grade, but in about half year I'll be recruited to the army. Like you
    know, life in Israel isn't simple and the reason of that is the
    security situation in Israel. I'd just like to notice again that you
    won't have the possibility to gain money from this letter, though you
    will have the possibility to help and to donate. My dream is to buy a
    car but as you know it costs lots of money. I'm trying to save some
    money. I'm working as a tennis coach and as a waiter in my free time,
    but in Israel the prices are high and all the money I'm saving is not
    enough for buying a car. My dream is to get a car before I'm recruited
    and have some fun but for this I need to get some money fast, and there
    isn't any chance that I'll make it. The reason that I want to buy the
    car before the army is very simple, I'm going to serve in highly
    dangerous units. If you ask why I want to have fun before my service,
    so the reason is very simple:
    If you didn't understand yet, the situation is very difficult from the
    security aspect, almost every day soldiers get killed, and I'm
    recruited to the most dangerous units because I don't have a choice.
    That's why I want to have fun before I'm recruited. To tell you the
    truth, I'm not sure in 100% that I'll return safe and healthy after I
    finish the military service. I want to ask from you to help me make my
    dream come true. All I'm asking you is to help me financially in buying
    a car. Please send me one dollar (or more if you have the opportunity)
    to this mailing address: mail box number: 1074, ZIP code: 44110, city:
    Kefar-Saba, country: Israel.
    I don't want you to think it as spending money but as donating and
    help. If you can please put one dollar in an envelope, and put a little
    folio which you'll write your name and your e-mail address so I will be
    able to thank you. I'd just like to say that I'll appreciate it very
    much, and I'll remember your help for ever.
    If you have any questions or something that you'd like to find out you
    can write me to this e-mail address: you also can
    write me to: .

    Country: Israel
    That all you need to write on the envelope.
    theman181818, Oct 13, 2005
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