Please Help on Brake Work

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Sahin, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. Sahin

    Sahin Guest

    I am pretty novice about car stuff. I own a Honda CIVIC 93, DX. It has
    106 K mileage on it. Last time I took to CAR-X for oil change, they
    told me that I needed to change front wheel rotor and pads as soon as
    possible. CAR-X told me that front wheel rotor had only 15% left. It
    was a couple month back. They gave me an estimate about $ 360 for

    I also can feel that I need to do brake work. Couple of weeks back I
    was experiencing "chi.. chi.." sound from my front wheel once in a
    while not always.

    I really can not afford that $ 360 now for repairing this car. I wish
    I could do it by myself by buying new rotor or pads from auto parts

    Could anyone of you describe me sequentially what should I do, if I
    want to change by myself. If you know any web site/thread that
    describe this, please direct me.

    I would really appreciate your help.. Looking forward to your

    Thanks in advance.
    Sahin, Jul 22, 2003
  2. Sahin

    Sahin Guest

    Thank you for your valuable thoughts. I agree with you 100%. I will
    soon email you and get the information. CAR-X checked my brake as the
    way they have deal to inspect brake for free with OIL
    change.Regarding, condition of rotor, they mentioned my rotor has 15%
    left in term of thinkness. They asked me to change pad and rotor for
    both front wheel. They also told, you could drive one more month if I
    dont go outside the city. Its been 3 months already, I am driving
    since then. Brake is not that tight, but it is still working just
    fine.. However, I just want to make sure that everyhting is ok. I am
    scared if rotor brake down in the middle of the road. How I could
    verify the condition??

    I carry a very bad impression about auto mechanic. People in mechanics
    business might get angry with me, but here is the true story with my
    old car

    1) My previous car Honda Accord '88 was not taking start once in a
    while. However, it never died on the road. I mean, sometimes, it was
    not taking start when I came to work in the morning

    2) I took to mechanic close to my house which is a gas CITGO station.
    They also run a mechanic shop. The told me you need to change
    alternator. They gave me estimate $400. I did not beleive the guy, and
    I asked his manager to explain me. He took some voltmeter and checked
    something, told me the same thing... I paid $20 for check up, but I
    did not fix it.

    2)I took to Firestone couple weeks later as the problem of my car
    continued, that guy asked me to change both battery and alternator,
    estimate $ 575. Firestone also explained me whats the problem which
    did not make sense to me. I left the store. No charge. Free

    3) I took to 98 auto store. This is local chain shop in MN, I guess.
    They told me that your car has security alarm system which might be
    causing problem. I told them that if you were sure that this was the
    problem then just discard the alarm system. They bypassed the alarm
    system. The time I went to pick up car, my car had the same problem.
    They took hour and told me that you needed to change both battery and
    alternator. Your alternator was providing DC current instead of AC
    current that spoiled my battery as well. What a stupid talk? They gave
    me estimate $650. I decided not to fix the car at all. They told me to
    pay for discarding the alarm system $70. I asked them that you should
    have done that job if only if alarm system was causing the problem.
    But it is not...
    Anyway they charged me $70.. What to do??

    4) I got so frustrated and also ended up paying $100 for nothing..
    Later once, my co worker told me that try changing you rusty battery
    clamp after looking them. I bought them by 1 dollar and my co worker
    changed it for me. The problem went away completely. I never had
    problem with that car....

    Now think how terrible the mechanics are.I went to 4 different store.
    All of them lied to me. This is not the case that they assumed battery
    and alternator could be the problem, they knew very well that those
    are darn good. They just lied. It is very easy to check wheather
    alternator/battery good or bad...
    Sahin, Jul 23, 2003
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