Please help us build a community on our New Car Site.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Anand Sheth, Jan 25, 2004.

  1. Anand Sheth

    Anand Sheth Guest

    We are launching our Car Forums and need supporters like you. Join the community and discuss everything automotive. Ask questions,
    show off what you got, join or promote you club, or even post a classifieds
    ad to get rid of that extra wreck in your yard you can no longer bare call a
    lawn ornament. You won't know until you join!

    We are also looking for good moderators to join us. So if interested, please
    email us.

    Please note that this message has been cross-posted in other groups because
    we are looking for supporters like you.

    If you feel this is Spam, please email as at . We
    are not trying to offend anyone.

    See you there!

    Thanx for your support.

    Head Honcho aka Big Cheese ;)
    Anand Sheth, Jan 25, 2004
  2. Anand Sheth

    Andrew Smit Guest

    i just thought i would bump this up, i am a mod there and it would be
    great if we could get some more supporters

    -Andrew Smit-
    Andrew Smit, Jan 31, 2004
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