Pool of water in the passenger side of my 2001 Honda CRV

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by yearnforthesimplelife, Aug 8, 2004.

  1. I purchased a used 2001 Honda CRV last week and by the time I got home,
    there was a pool of water on the floorboard on the passenger side. It was
    raining at the time but the dealership decided it was a plugged drain of
    some sort, fixed that and declared all was well. The same thing happened
    the following day after raining again. The dealership sent me to an A/C
    mechanic, thinking that the problem was here. After running diagnostics,
    that mechanic told me that there wasn't a poblem with the A/C. It has not
    rained since and I no longer have the flooded floorboard so I am inclined
    to believe that there is a leak somewhere. Any suggestions as to the
    source of this leak?
    yearnforthesimplelife, Aug 8, 2004
  2. yearnforthesimplelife

    Hugh Graham Guest

    If the crv has a sunroof, the drain holes may be plugged,.

    Someone else in this group will have more info.

    best of luck,

    Hugh Graham, Aug 8, 2004
  3. no, there is not a sunroof.
    yearnforthesimplelife, Aug 9, 2004
  4. yearnforthesimplelife

    Nick Guest

    As a test, when you have a streak of sunny (preferably humid days) run
    the A/C on high and for a good amount of time and see if the problem
    shows up. If it doesn't then it isn't the A/C and you may have a seal
    on the door which is bad. Also see if you can find any holes on the
    undercarriage of the car, you may have hit something which damaged the
    bottom of the floor.

    Hope this helps,
    Nick, Aug 9, 2004
  5. yearnforthesimplelife

    Abeness Guest

    Check the wheel wells for holes or separations. I wouldn't expect them
    in a vehicle this new, but you never know. The tires throw up a lot of
    water that can make its way in if everything isn't sealed as it should be.

    Also, try running a hose over the edges of the windshield--another
    potential source of leakage. Not high pressure, just normal running water.

    Abeness, Aug 9, 2004
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