Post-timing belt replacement questions

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jbourgeois, Nov 5, 2004.

  1. jbourgeois

    jbourgeois Guest

    I just recently had my timing belt changed, on a 98 Accord with 118k. The
    mechanic was not a dealer, but specializes in Hondas. They also replaced
    the balance, P/S, and A/C belts. Supposedly they use genuine Honda parts,
    but I noticed the P/S belt was clearly made by Mitsubishi.

    Anyway, I noticed that on initial startup, the idle is higher than it was
    before (maybe 1500 where before it was 800-1000). After shifting, it goes
    down, and stays down on subsequent startups later in the day. Also, the car
    seems to run a little rougher, but I'm not sure if it is serious.

    Should I be concerned or ask to have it examined again?
    jbourgeois, Nov 5, 2004
  2. Mitsubishi belts are as good as genuine. If the logo is there, it's genuine.
    burt squareman, Nov 5, 2004
  3. jbourgeois

    John Ings Guest

    Have you also noticed it's November?
    You're in hypochondriac mode, and sensitive to every little sound
    that you've previously ignored.
    John Ings, Nov 5, 2004
  4. jbourgeois

    E. Meyer Guest

    How's the temperature compared to before you had the job. It sounds like
    the cold-start mechanism is working.

    Is it a little rougher, or a lot rougher? It it suddenly idles like a pile
    driver since the job and was smooth before, the balancer belt might not be
    properly timed. If it runs rough and dramatically lacks power, the timing
    belt might be off by a tooth. If its just a little bit rougher, you might
    just be being overly sensitive to it.
    Look for a dramatic change in mileage or power. If neither happens, its
    probably fine.
    E. Meyer, Nov 5, 2004
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