I just noticed this morning that the power antenna of my '94 Accord LX got stuck in the open position and I could not push it down even manually after turning the radio off. Later I extracted the antenna and I took it to a Honda dealer's part store to see if the length of the plastic strip in it is the original length by comparing it to a new one there. Well, it looked like mine was about 6 inches shorter, so probably that torn piece was stuck in the antenna motor's wheels, meaning I would have to remove the motor itself to extract that broken off plastic strip. Unfortunately, when I looked at the motor behind the trunk panel, I found the motor so well hidden in there that I could see no easy way to remove it. Anybody here has done it before and has a good advice how to do it? In the meantime I disconnected the motor by pulling out its connector in the hope of at least saving the motor from possible overload when turning on the radio that still can recieve some strong FM stations without the antenna, plus I can still use my MP3 player through an FM adapter. Rudy