Power Remote Door Lock Question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dennis Marks, May 14, 2004.

  1. Dennis Marks

    Dennis Marks Guest

    This question concerns a 2004 Honda Civic LX.

    If I use the remote to unlock the door and immediately enter there is a
    tone, If I wait a few seconds before enterring there is no tone. Why?
    Dennis Marks, May 14, 2004
  2. Dennis Marks

    Randolph Guest

    I would venture a guess that it is your lights-on buzzer. The buzzer
    goes off it the lights (parking or head lights) are on and the driver's
    door is open. When you unlock the doors with the remote, the parking
    lights flash, and if you manage to open the door before they are done
    flashing, you'll get the buzzer.
    Randolph, May 14, 2004
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