Power windows

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Paul, Jul 16, 2003.

  1. Paul

    Paul Guest

    I have a 1994 Honda Accord. The power windows have started giving me
    trouble and I wanted to see if there was a quick fix. The situation is:

    Both right side windows work from the main control panel and from the door
    controller. The rear pasenger window works up and down from the door
    controller but it only goes down from the main controller. I have to reach
    behind me and put up the window that way. A few days ago the driver side
    window started acting up. It will always go down but sometimes it will not
    go up which is the same simpton as the rear window. I'm afraid it will fail
    soon too and because there is only one window controller for the driver side
    window...it could get stuck down permanately.

    Per Chilton, I checked the fuses (I'm not sure about the realy since I can't
    tell if it is bad by looking at it).
    I took apart the main window control panel in the driver side door but was
    not able to determine anything.

    Anyone have an idea of how to fix this?


    Paul, Jul 16, 2003
  2. Paul

    Tony Hwang Guest

    Could be intermittent wiring around the door hinge.
    When car gets old, wires in the bulkhead can break becoming
    intermittent. While you're toggling the switch wiggle the wire
    around the hinge to check.
    Tony Hwang, Jul 16, 2003
  3. Paul

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    I had an 89 Accord that needed a window control module. It's inside the
    drivers door, about the size of a pack of cigs. May be one in your car.
    Junk yard had one for twenty bucks. bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Jul 19, 2003
  4. Paul

    Chip Stein Guest

    on the 94 it's most likely the master switch assembly in the
    drivers door. get ready they're not cheap, and jusnk yard ones are
    usually crap also.

    on the 97 civic, you need a new window regulator. they bend
    slightly and that causes the pop out.

    Chip Stein, Jul 20, 2003
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