Prelude 2000 Nasty Exhaust Smoke !!

Discussion in 'Prelude' started by Recode, Feb 29, 2004.

  1. Recode

    Recode Guest


    I own a 2000 Prelude (automatic transmission) and sometime I have some nasty
    black smoke for the exhaust system, just like my car would burn oil.

    I went to see the dealer about that and they told me that was OK like that.
    A friend told me that the Vtech system was self-cleaning and the smoke was
    from the self-cleaning !?

    Anyone would know more about this issue ?


    Recode, Feb 29, 2004
  2. Recode

    T. Nelson Guest

    I have a 1999 Honda Accord EX that has a V tech engine and it does NOT
    produce nasty black smoke from the exhaust system. Therefore, I think that
    your dealer is lying to you. The next time that you visit the dealer, ask
    him to stand behind one of the new or used Honda cars on the lot. Start it
    up while watching the rear view mirrow. After NO black smoke comes out,
    ask him why it comes out your exhaust pipe and not the exhaust pipe on the
    one you just started. Back to your problem--there are several possible
    causes. The best place to start is a complete tune-up. If that does not
    solve the problem, run a compression check on each cylinder. Please repost
    after you have done those things and let us know the results.
    T. Nelson, Mar 2, 2004
  3. I dont want to diss the previous poster, but I personally dont think you
    should down cash on a "complete tuneup", unless we have different ideas of a
    "complete tuneup".

    Is the smoke just black or slightly blue-ish? Exactly how
    "think" is it? Can you smell burned oil if you stand near the exhaust?

    Most likely oil is leaking somewhere in the area of the valvetrain.... one
    of the gaskets might be blown (and I'm not just talking about the head
    gasket, also anything that insulates the cylinders, etc...)

    First check for obvious leaks (that is, without taking off the engine
    cover).... if you're lucky, you might isolate the problem right there. Have
    a mechanic or someone with some car knowledge look inside the engine. I dont
    think a compression check would be necessary.... in fact I cant even
    directly relate these two problems. Most likely the mechanic (if he's not a
    crook) will tell you which gasket/seal needs to be replaced and your car
    will be back on the road, a proud swimmer in the ocean of rice (just kidding
    Yuri Nebogatov, Mar 3, 2004
  4. Recode

    T. Nelson Guest

    I was not disrespected by you. You gave the original poster some excellent
    advice. You could be right about the blown gasket. On the other hand, it
    could also be a more serious problem such as bad rings-- a compression
    check would be an excellent means to determine whether or not there is
    problem related to bad rings.
    T. Nelson, Mar 4, 2004
  5. Recode

    TWW Guest

    Preludes (5th gen) tend to use oil -- qt every 1500 - 3000 miles as a rule .
    Switching to Mobil I synthetic will help. Mine will put out a little black
    smoke on hard acceleration to redline when the VTEC bangs in at 5400 --
    usually after I have run it around town. Recommend you check out -- a site for Prelude owners. You will get more help there
    from folks who own the car
    TWW, Mar 5, 2004
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