[QUOTE="TeGGeR®"] Trudeau copied Nixon's wage and price controls in 1975. It was such a horrific mistake it was repealed later that year. Trudeau was such a dolt. He obviously did not learn anything from Nixon's own mistake two years before.[/QUOTE] Trudeau was one of the worst things to have ever happened to Canada. We continue to suffer to this day and well into the future because of that man (seems a bit too nice a word to describe him). [QUOTE] If Nova Scotia had its own price regulation, I'll bet your prices were far higher than provinces that did not.[/QUOTE] I honestly say that I did not pay any attention to the rest of the country's prices at that time. Mainly because I was just too young to care and I didn't travel outside of the Maritimes at the time. [QUOTE] I notice even now, you're paying about 25¢ more per liter than we are in Ontario. Your taxes must be higher (snicker).[/QUOTE] We're usually between 15¢ and 20¢ a litre higher than the price in Ontario. I believe we need to build a pipeline from you to us, so that we can have some of that cheaper Alberta oil <g>. On a more disheartening note, the radio staions here just announced that some gas stations are now selling regular self serve for 148.9¢ a litre. [QUOTE] Why not? Can you explain?[/QUOTE] It's just my feeling that we're being robbed and that it's legal to do it this way (with the government helping out as much as they can with the crime [QUOTE] You can easily do that through mutual funds. Oil companies are making pretty good money now (~10% net), but that could change in an instant, which is exactly what has happened in the past, and then they'll be down to 7% margins again.[/QUOTE] I know, but I have to purchase some fuel today to go to work. [QUOTE] An interesting chart: http://www.tegger.com/hondafaq/misc/oilprice.jpg Oil is still WAY cheaper than it was during Nixon's price controls. Reagan deregulated oil prices in 1982. See that price drop immediately thereafter?[/QUOTE] I have to say that, you and your very comprehensive site are thorough. Brian