Pro and Cons - Toyota Camry vs Honda Accord vs Nissan Altima

Discussion in 'Accord' started by techtechxxxx, Sep 29, 2007.

  1. techtechxxxx

    EdV Guest

    Some says the 2008 Accords are considered full sized sedans? is this
    EdV, Sep 30, 2007
  2. techtechxxxx

    Howard Guest

    TIMES, yes. Pay rate? Honda doesn't pay the $80/hour or whatever is
    current for pay customers off the street.
    TIMES, yes. Pay rate? Honda doesn't pay the $80/hour or whatever is
    current for pay customers off the street.
    They pay the prevailing rate in the area.
    A dealer submits a request for a rate increase based upon surveying other
    dealers (not just Honda) in the area and an audit of the applying
    dealerships effective labor rate. From those figures and the actual warranty
    rate sought, the District Rep submits to national and a decision is rendered
    I've worked in 3 Honda dealerships since 1973. My current (23 years) Service
    Dept's door rate is $99 per hour (we are on the lower side in our area) and
    our current warranty rate paid to us is $95 per warranty flat rate hour. As
    soon as we have enough time to produce an effective labor rate that would
    allow us to seek an increase we will seek that same $99 per hour. And like
    dozens of times in the past as rates have increased, Honda will grant that.
    Of course we need to know when the right time to apply is.
    You are partially correct in that Honda doesn't pay the "street" rate.
    That's because the customer labor rate rises first and the warranty labor
    rate increase application soon follows. That's why I stated they are usually
    90-95 percent of customer rate. But there are plenty of times the rates are
    the same.
    A dealer who turns away warranty work is leaving up to 30% of his business
    on the table as well as eventually running out of customers after he pisses
    them all off.
    Yeah, there are alot of gouging, uncaring dealers out there, but they won't
    be there long. If they want to run their multimillion dollar business in to
    the ground, we don't
    I'm not bragging or advertising (no location given), just wish there were
    many more legitimate dealerships out there so the ones in business that are
    doing the right thing don't get judged by the rest.
    Howard, Oct 1, 2007
  3. techtechxxxx

    Honda-Man Guest

    I believe it is no longer considered a mid-size sedan. It is larger and has
    more room.
    Honda-Man, Oct 1, 2007
  4. techtechxxxx

    EdV Guest

    I was driving a rented KIA Sedona a few months ago, and it wasn't bad
    at all, in fact it was great and I said to myself I would rather drive
    a Korean car than an American brand.

    I bought a 4 cyl camry because its all I need, I dont expect my 4 cyl
    to run like a 6 cylinder. The same way a person who buys a 6cyl should
    not expect a 4cyl MPG. I thought everyone who buys a car thinks that
    way. If you want neck snapping acceleration get the V6, after all we
    all follow the same speed limit.

    And to the original poster, dont forget to test drive a Hyundai
    EdV, Oct 1, 2007
  5. Locally, we had a guy caught doing 120mph in a Kia Sephia. He wanted to
    get home, so he pushed the pedal hard.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Oct 1, 2007
  6. techtechxxxx

    sharx35 Guest

    Not all of us, though, take hours to get to THAT speed limit from a stop.
    sharx35, Oct 2, 2007
  7. techtechxxxx

    Techie Guest

    What about 2008. I have narrowed it down to the Nissan Coupe 2008 or
    2007. with a manual transmission. I like the style and I am a manual
    stick shift girl. Tank you all for your help. I never thought I would
    get so much response.
    Techie, Oct 2, 2007
  8. techtechxxxx

    sharx35 Guest

    I'm sure you get a lot of response from most guys you meet, eh?
    sharx35, Oct 2, 2007
  9. techtechxxxx

    Bob H Guest

    Lots of road noise in the new Altimas...
    Bob H, Oct 2, 2007
  10. techtechxxxx

    ACAR Guest

    Given the superficial question allow me to provide a superficial
    response; go with the car that has the color you like best.

    Or you could invest some of your precious time and test drive the cars
    you are considering instead of relying upon a bunch of guys wasting
    time on-line.
    ACAR, Oct 3, 2007
  11. techtechxxxx

    EdV Guest

    Don't be too hard on yourself

    ..... relying upon a bunch of guys wasting
    Reading online post of customer experiences is not such a bad idea at
    EdV, Oct 3, 2007
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