programming key fobs

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jk, Jun 5, 2005.

  1. jk

    jk Guest

    Hi folks,

    I just bought a 99 Accord and I need another key fob. I saw on ebay
    that somebody was selling a fob wih programming instructions.

    Can you program these yourself without any special equipment? Anybody
    know generally the steps involved?


    Jae KIm
    jk, Jun 5, 2005
  2. jk

    None Guest

    It is relatively easy to program the remotes yourself. It may take a few
    times to get it right and it can be frustrating as it is easy to not push
    the right buttons in the right sequence.

    The instructions are at

    (don't worry that it has crv in the URL - it works for Accords and probably
    everything else)

    Have fun!
    None, Jun 5, 2005
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