Pull Wheels to Inspect Brtakes?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Shaun, Jun 17, 2010.

  1. Shaun

    Shaun Guest

    One of the "B" service items on the Maintenance Minder list for my 07
    Accord is Inspect Front and Rear Brakes. Do you have to pull the wheels
    to do that properly?
    Shaun, Jun 17, 2010
  2. Shaun

    jim beam Guest

    yes. you may be able to see one of the pads through the caliper and
    wheel holes, but not the other. and it's the one you can't see that
    typically wears fastest.

    personally, i would do this simple task myself and not allow the dealer
    the ability to sell you new pads you may not need. you can get a basic
    but reliable jack and stands from sears for about $60. a lug nut torque
    wrench is a great investment at this point too.
    jim beam, Jun 17, 2010
  3. Shaun

    Dave D Guest

    I would add to that either an inexpensive micrometer or calipers (measuring
    kind) and measure pad and rotor thickness to check against the "book".

    Dave D, Jun 18, 2010
  4. Shaun

    tww1491 Guest

    They ought to rotate the tires at the same -- which will allow them to check
    the brakes.
    tww1491, Jun 18, 2010
  5. Shaun

    Shaun Guest

    Actually, that's where I was going with this thread. My Mileage Minder
    actually shows B12. #2 is the air cleaner and cabin filter-- which I did
    myself. #1 is a tire rotation.

    The dealer wants to charge me an extra $39 to rotate the tires-- on top
    of the B service costs. The way I see it, $39 is a fair price to charge
    someone who drives up for a tire rotation-- logging the car in, taking
    it into the shop, putting it up on the hoist, removing the wheels, etc.

    But if they've already got the car up in the air with the wheels off,
    it's a rip off to charge me $39 to put them back in a different location
    rather than the same one.

    If they won't throw the rotation in, I'll just do it myself too.
    Shaun, Jun 18, 2010
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