purging air from colling system on 93 civic

Discussion in 'Civic' started by family_mechanic, Dec 19, 2005.

  1. First,I'm new here so thanks for reading this. My sister paid a guy tp
    put on a timing belt and water pump on her 93 civic 1.6.I was unable to
    do so beings i was outa town at the time.
    After they had finished the car idled up and down as many described
    other on here doing.They said it was a bent valve,I didnt agree!.Cold
    wether came and one morning she said it got hot and there was ice in
    the radiator."you get what u pay for" they didnt not make the
    water/antifreeze mixture right.so for christmas i buy a new HEAD new
    THERMOSTAT new HEADGASKET SET,and BOLTS. a pack of smokes and go to
    COOLING SYSTEM.I have read and done everything i cand find on here to
    purge it.But one thing differant is my fan wont come on. it gets hot
    enought to blow steam out the overflow tube,with just very little
    coolant.All i get is steam coming from the bleeder valve. I run the car
    up into the red on the gauge,and shut it down .Car was taking coolant
    everytime i checked it but now i cant get no more to go in.Gauge goes
    red but no fan,fan did work prior to water freeze.
    family_mechanic, Dec 19, 2005
  2. couple things:

    1. did you install the thermostat backwards? easy to do, could cause
    weirdness like this.

    2. is the water pump working? what kinda shape was it in?
    T L via CarKB.com, Dec 19, 2005
  3. family_mechanic

    TeGGeR® Guest

    When the car starts to overheat, is the lower rad hose warm? Is the rad

    I suspect you've got a bum (or aftermarket) thermostat. Either that or
    there's crud in the thermostat housing preventing the thermostat from
    operating correctly.

    Replace the thermostat with OEM.
    TeGGeR®, Dec 19, 2005
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