Q: New CRV clunking sound

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by Bob, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. Bob

    Bob Guest

    Hi, all -- looking for other Honda/CRV owners who may
    have had a similar problem.

    My brand new 2004 CRV (2WD, automatic trans) w/ less
    than 300 miles makes a *clunk* sound when it goes over
    bumps in the road, but only when the car is cold.

    The sound goes away after a few (like, less than five)
    miles, and stays gone for the rest of the day, presumably
    because it sits in the sun in the parking lot at work.

    The sound is like a cowbell -- clunk. It appears to
    be coming from the front. I've not been able to determine
    whether it's coming from the driver or passenger side,
    and so far I'm unable to reproduce it at will consistently
    by going over bumps on purpose.

    I've gone back to the dealer once, and they replaced
    the strut. Obviously I still hear it in the morning.

    I did a search in newsgroups on Honda clunking sounds,
    and I read stories of owners who've gone back to their
    dealers up to a dozen times, replacing this and that
    with little or no success.

    So, before I go back to the dealer again and have them
    replace the bottom of my car piece by piece :) , I thought
    I'd post as much detail as I could in the hopes that
    somebody else had an experience with similar details and
    can advise. Thanks!
    Bob, Aug 16, 2004
  2. Bob

    Nobody Guest

    (Bob) wrote in
    I had a problem with a 2003 where there was a loud BANG in the right
    front every so often when I took a right turn. They first tried
    replacing the tie rod...didn't work. Ended up being a loose strut (or so
    they said).
    Nobody, Aug 17, 2004
  3. Bob

    Nobody Guest

    (Bob) wrote in
    I had a problem with a 2003 where there was a loud BANG in the right
    front every so often when I took a right turn. They first tried
    replacing the tie rod...didn't work. Ended up being a loose strut (or so
    they said).
    Nobody, Aug 17, 2004
  4. Bob

    Nobody Guest

    (Bob) wrote in
    I had a problem with a 2003 where there was a loud BANG in the right
    front every so often when I took a right turn. They first tried
    replacing the tie rod...didn't work. Ended up being a loose strut (or so
    they said).
    Nobody, Aug 17, 2004
  5. "Cow bell clang" makes it sound a lot like exhaust system heat shield
    or something related to that. Maybe a bolt is loose or a weld is
    broken. After the system warms up, the metal expands and tightens up
    whatever is loose.

    Problem is, if you go to the dealer with this diagnosis, that's all
    they will look at. But you should be able to put the car up on a stand
    and bang stuff around until you find the loose parts.

    Hope this helps.

    Elliot Richmond
    Freelance Science Writer and Editor
    Elliot Richmond, Aug 17, 2004
  6. "Cow bell clang" makes it sound a lot like exhaust system heat shield
    or something related to that. Maybe a bolt is loose or a weld is
    broken. After the system warms up, the metal expands and tightens up
    whatever is loose.

    Problem is, if you go to the dealer with this diagnosis, that's all
    they will look at. But you should be able to put the car up on a stand
    and bang stuff around until you find the loose parts.

    Hope this helps.

    Elliot Richmond
    Freelance Science Writer and Editor
    Elliot Richmond, Aug 17, 2004
  7. "Cow bell clang" makes it sound a lot like exhaust system heat shield
    or something related to that. Maybe a bolt is loose or a weld is
    broken. After the system warms up, the metal expands and tightens up
    whatever is loose.

    Problem is, if you go to the dealer with this diagnosis, that's all
    they will look at. But you should be able to put the car up on a stand
    and bang stuff around until you find the loose parts.

    Hope this helps.

    Elliot Richmond
    Freelance Science Writer and Editor
    Elliot Richmond, Aug 17, 2004
  8. Bob

    dbaron Guest

    Had the same sound in my Civic 03, it ended up being the heat shield.

    dbaron, Aug 17, 2004
  9. Bob

    dbaron Guest

    Had the same sound in my Civic 03, it ended up being the heat shield.

    dbaron, Aug 17, 2004
  10. Bob

    dbaron Guest

    Had the same sound in my Civic 03, it ended up being the heat shield.

    dbaron, Aug 17, 2004
  11. Bob

    Bob Guest

    I climbed under the CRV and tapped around the exhaust
    system with my hands but didn't really find anything. I'll poke
    around again tonight or tomorrow morning after the car's
    cooled down.

    Allow me to take the subject in a different direction:

    I'm scheduled to take the car back to the service department
    in a couple of days. I'm worried that my story will turn into one
    of those "mysterious sounds that they can't figure out", and all
    they can do is keep switching parts out each time.

    I've had the car for less than a month. Less than 300 miles.
    I was lucky enough to have saved up the money to pay for
    the car in one go but haven't actually made the payment yet.

    Is there any option other than keep going back to the service
    department that I should be aware of?

    Thanks again for any input.
    Bob, Aug 18, 2004
  12. Bob

    Bob Guest

    I climbed under the CRV and tapped around the exhaust
    system with my hands but didn't really find anything. I'll poke
    around again tonight or tomorrow morning after the car's
    cooled down.

    Allow me to take the subject in a different direction:

    I'm scheduled to take the car back to the service department
    in a couple of days. I'm worried that my story will turn into one
    of those "mysterious sounds that they can't figure out", and all
    they can do is keep switching parts out each time.

    I've had the car for less than a month. Less than 300 miles.
    I was lucky enough to have saved up the money to pay for
    the car in one go but haven't actually made the payment yet.

    Is there any option other than keep going back to the service
    department that I should be aware of?

    Thanks again for any input.
    Bob, Aug 18, 2004
  13. Bob

    Bob Guest

    I climbed under the CRV and tapped around the exhaust
    system with my hands but didn't really find anything. I'll poke
    around again tonight or tomorrow morning after the car's
    cooled down.

    Allow me to take the subject in a different direction:

    I'm scheduled to take the car back to the service department
    in a couple of days. I'm worried that my story will turn into one
    of those "mysterious sounds that they can't figure out", and all
    they can do is keep switching parts out each time.

    I've had the car for less than a month. Less than 300 miles.
    I was lucky enough to have saved up the money to pay for
    the car in one go but haven't actually made the payment yet.

    Is there any option other than keep going back to the service
    department that I should be aware of?

    Thanks again for any input.
    Bob, Aug 18, 2004
  14. Bob

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Join hondasuv.com so you can search. You'll find it. If not, Post and
    you'll get answers. It's a bit slow due to summer, but very lively
    compared to some forums.

    motsco_ _, Aug 18, 2004
  15. Bob

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Join hondasuv.com so you can search. You'll find it. If not, Post and
    you'll get answers. It's a bit slow due to summer, but very lively
    compared to some forums.

    motsco_ _, Aug 18, 2004
  16. Bob

    ravelation Guest

    From: (Bob)
    "Everything is operating to spec. We couldn't duplicate the noise." Man,
    how I hate those words!

    As to your problem, does it do it when the frame shifts, like when
    you're moving slowly in a parking lot and when you brake, the sound
    occurs? Or, moving in reverse and when you brake to change gears, it
    pops? If so, it sounds like the sound could be emanating from your strut
    mounts. They're notorious for making an annoying, quick pop sound when
    going over bumps and when the car changes motion. It's not a safety
    hazard, but annoying, yes.

    If it's any consolation, my Lexus RX 300 makes that noise. It's worse
    when the car is cold. Just wait until winter.
    Well, mine may be way off base, but since you asked.... :)
    ravelation, Aug 18, 2004
  17. Bob

    Bob Guest

    Hi again. Thanks for everyone's input. The dealer called
    and said that the sound is normal -- other customers
    have brought their CRV in, and the technician knows
    what I'm talking about. I made the technician drive a
    new CRV with me, and he was able to reproduce and
    point out the sound to me without my coaching.

    Apparently there's space between the strut and its mount,
    and if you hit a bump just right, it'll make the noise I described.
    It's a little louder on mine than the other CRV we drove,
    but it's the same.

    He also told me that even when the car is warm, if I
    hit a bump just right, I'll hear it, too -- this bit of detail
    I didn't tell him, so I'm some what reassured by this.

    He tried to reproduce the sound on a 2003 CRV and
    was not able to. Supposedly the dealer contacted
    Honda, but Honda doesn't think it's a big deal.

    So basically the technician says it bad design. I guess
    that's that. :(
    Bob, Aug 21, 2004
  18. Bob

    Bob Guest

    Hi again. Thanks for everyone's input. The dealer called
    and said that the sound is normal -- other customers
    have brought their CRV in, and the technician knows
    what I'm talking about. I made the technician drive a
    new CRV with me, and he was able to reproduce and
    point out the sound to me without my coaching.

    Apparently there's space between the strut and its mount,
    and if you hit a bump just right, it'll make the noise I described.
    It's a little louder on mine than the other CRV we drove,
    but it's the same.

    He also told me that even when the car is warm, if I
    hit a bump just right, I'll hear it, too -- this bit of detail
    I didn't tell him, so I'm some what reassured by this.

    He tried to reproduce the sound on a 2003 CRV and
    was not able to. Supposedly the dealer contacted
    Honda, but Honda doesn't think it's a big deal.

    So basically the technician says it bad design. I guess
    that's that. :(
    Bob, Aug 21, 2004
  19. Bob

    Bob Guest

    Hi again. Thanks for everyone's input. The dealer called
    and said that the sound is normal -- other customers
    have brought their CRV in, and the technician knows
    what I'm talking about. I made the technician drive a
    new CRV with me, and he was able to reproduce and
    point out the sound to me without my coaching.

    Apparently there's space between the strut and its mount,
    and if you hit a bump just right, it'll make the noise I described.
    It's a little louder on mine than the other CRV we drove,
    but it's the same.

    He also told me that even when the car is warm, if I
    hit a bump just right, I'll hear it, too -- this bit of detail
    I didn't tell him, so I'm some what reassured by this.

    He tried to reproduce the sound on a 2003 CRV and
    was not able to. Supposedly the dealer contacted
    Honda, but Honda doesn't think it's a big deal.

    So basically the technician says it bad design. I guess
    that's that. :(
    Bob, Aug 21, 2004
  20. Bob

    ravelation Guest

    Just as I thought! I got one right! :)
    All three Toyota's/Lexus I've owned have made this sound. I've heard it
    in my son's Civic, but not my husband's Grand Prix.
    As I said in my earlier post in this thread, be prepared for winter...it
    gets worse. Again, just annoying and not dangerous.
    You know how many cars they'd have to fix only to have the problem
    It's a 'live with it' problem.
    Why it only happens in Japanese made cars is curious. I'm no fan of
    American badged cars, but none of the ones we've owned have made this
    strut mount noise, while all of our Japanese made autos have. I was
    devastated when my Lexus started making the noise and the dealer gave me
    the "operating to spec." garbage.

    Good luck living with it.
    ravelation, Aug 22, 2004
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