Question about Tinting the back window of an Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by R4O, Nov 29, 2005.

  1. R4O

    R4O Guest

    OK, here goes......I have tinted the side windows of my 1992
    Accord....when I got to the back window, I cut out the piece to fit and
    then came the time to adhere the tint....sheeze...what a
    mess....bubbles and overlap in the curved area of window and it looked
    so terrible that I took it off.

    Can someone here explain a way to tint the back window of an
    Accord.....without the bubbles and overlap?


    Also, I have a comment. I had installed a car alarm on my car about 2
    years ago. Amazingly, 7 months after I got the alarm, my car was
    stolen!!! I got it back 3 months later. Well, the thing constantly
    went off and I would run outside see what was going on. I was in a
    "parinoid state". As you can imagine, I was tired of constantly
    running outside to turn it off. So, I took the ignition wire from the
    engine compartment and spliced an On/Off troggle switch into the
    circuit. Then, I placed the troggle switch in an area above the Hood
    Latch, but tucked under the dashboard. It is completely undetectable
    because it is "camoflauged" near other wires. So now, I have
    disconnected my alarm and use the troggle switch. All I need to do is
    turn it off when I get out of the car and power to the
    ignition!!!! Now lets see those thieves try to steal my little Honda
    R4O, Nov 29, 2005
  2. R4O

    SoCalMike Guest

    practice, practice, practice. ive never attempted tint on car windows.
    $99 got all 4 plus the hatch window tinted for me. money well spent :)

    put mirror tint on all the east facing windows of my condo, and it makes
    a BIG difference.
    SoCalMike, Nov 30, 2005
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