Question for electronics experts...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by TeGGeR®, May 9, 2005.

  1. TeGGeR®

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Have a look at the drawing posted at this URL:

    Ignoring for the moment the text at the top of the diagram, and going
    solely by the diagram itself, is this diagram depicting a starter system,
    or an ignition system?

    (BTW, the text in the middle of the diagram appears to read "Hyl tension").

    I have a specific reason for asking this.
    TeGGeR®, May 9, 2005
  2. TeGGeR®

    Dan Beaton Guest

    OK, what am I missing? The text on the secondary reads "high tension"
    to me. This makes sense with a diagram of a battery connected to a
    coil (primary), and some kind of disconnect. Make the circuit, current
    flows in the primary, indcues a current in the secondary which has many
    more coils (implied graphically by smaller, tighter coils) and creates a
    high voltage, low current pulse in the secondary. So, part of an
    ignition circuit. (Or a simplified ignition circuit.)

    (This account is not used for email.)
    Dan Beaton, May 9, 2005
  3. TeGGeR®

    John Ings Guest

    An ignition system.
    John Ings, May 9, 2005
  4. TeGGeR®

    TeGGeR® Guest

    (Dan Beaton) wrote in

    You're not missin' nothin'.

    This diagram is on page 255 of a Motor Trend "100th Anniversary of the
    Automobile" book put out in 1985. It is on a page dedicated to the
    Automatic Starter, as developed by C. F. Kettering in 1911. The tagline
    calls the diagram "Kettering's original drawing for the patent for the
    automatic starter".

    The diagram appears to be the wrong one for that page.

    This mistake is actually a good thing for me, as I wanted to include that
    diagram (just for fun) in a new part of the FAQ having to do with the
    ignition. I wanted definitive confirmation of my suspicion, which you and
    John Ings have just provided, so thanks to both of you.
    TeGGeR®, May 9, 2005
  5. TeGGeR®

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Yup. Good page. I'm going to link that page in the FAQ.

    Thanks to that site, I now finally understand the exact role of the
    condenser in the Kettering system.
    TeGGeR®, May 9, 2005
  6. It appears to be an ignition system. It is a simplified diagram for firing
    the spark plug.
    John D Newport, May 9, 2005
  7. TeGGeR®

    John Horner Guest

    That is a drawing of a basic points type spark ignition system.

    The text is high tension, as in the high voltage side of the circuit.

    John Horner, May 9, 2005
  8. TeGGeR®

    Dick Guest

    I agree. The drawing and text are of the original Kettering ignition.
    Has nothing to do with a starter system.
    Dick, May 9, 2005
  9. TeGGeR®

    TeGGeR® Guest

    This diagram is on page 255 of a Motor Trend "100th Anniversary of the
    Automobile" book put out in 1985. It is on a page dedicated to the
    Automatic Starter, as developed by C. F. Kettering in 1911. The tagline
    calls the diagram "Kettering's original drawing for the patent for the
    automatic starter".

    The diagram appears to be the wrong one for that page.

    This mistake is actually a good thing for me, as I wanted to include that
    diagram (just for fun) in a new part of the FAQ having to do with the
    ignition. I wanted definitive confirmation of my suspicion, which every
    reply here has supplied. Thanks to all.
    TeGGeR®, May 9, 2005
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