Question on DRL (day time running lights)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by me, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. me

    me Guest

    I have a 98 Accord (in Canada) and from time to time my DRL light
    comes on when I start the car.

    After "flicking" the headlights on and off a few times... it goes

    I suspect that the problem is a "relay" that is getting "flakey"...
    and was wondering if anyone has had this problem... and how to fix it.

    A desciption of where the RELAY is located would be helpful... or any
    other thoughts as to what the problem may be....

    me, Mar 8, 2006
  2. =============================

    Same problem exists on '95 - '98 Odyssey. You can remove and resolder
    the circuit board of the DRL relay, which is straight up from your gas
    pedal and has about 11 wires going into it, or it may be the low cut
    relay, which MAY be above the hinge of the brake pedal, on the firewall,
    mounted with another relay and isolated with a rubber band around it.
    Use a chunk of rubber hose to listen to the relay. Then you know you've
    found it. Do you ever get one headlight on, one off?

    'Curly Q. Links', Mar 9, 2006
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