Question on Interior Metal Trim Kit

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mitchell Freeman, Nov 8, 2005.

  1. Hello,

    I am looking at purchasing a new Accord, and one of the options is this
    interior metal trim kit. It looks awfully nice in the brochure, but I have
    no idea how well it holds up under actual occupancy. Has anyone had one of
    these kits that could share their experience with it? Imagine having your
    13-year-old son getting in and out of the front passenger seat with a big,
    heavy backpack full of school books. Am I better off without or will this be
    a good add-on? Does it nick/damage/stain easily or is it relatively scratch
    resistant? Is it better to stick with the standard trim (foam covered
    plastic/vinyl/whatever it is)? If it looks great for a few months, but if it
    winds up looking ugly from marring/scarring/scratching over time, then it
    may not be worth the cost. Since I have no background with this accessory, I
    thought I would ask someone who might know better.

    Any feedback would be appreciated.
    Mitchell Freeman, Nov 8, 2005
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