Questions about new Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by rev_otis_mcnatt, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. rev_otis_mcnatt

    Brian Smith Guest

    That is my point if a program works, there is no need to upgrade. That
    has become a common misconception put in place by Microsoft. :^)
    That's their plan, which is fine because they are in business to turn a
    Some people never learn.
    Brian Smith, Oct 19, 2008
  2. rev_otis_mcnatt

    Brian Smith Guest

    That is my point if a program works, there is no need to upgrade. That
    has become a common misconception put in place by Microsoft. :^)
    That's their plan, which is fine because they are in business to turn a
    Some people never learn.
    Brian Smith, Oct 19, 2008
  3. Sure it works, just like 2000 mile oil change intervals will work. Just
    like renting a crane to lift your car off the ground so you can rotate
    the tires works.

    All sorts of stupid and expensive processes can produce positive end
    results. That doesn't make the processes any less stupid or expensive.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Oct 19, 2008
  4. Sure it works, just like 2000 mile oil change intervals will work. Just
    like renting a crane to lift your car off the ground so you can rotate
    the tires works.

    All sorts of stupid and expensive processes can produce positive end
    results. That doesn't make the processes any less stupid or expensive.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Oct 19, 2008
  5. rev_otis_mcnatt

    Brian Smith Guest

    You are truly dense. I said it was cost effective for my application.
    I'll translate that for you as you seem to have comprehension issues,
    that means quite simply that it saves me money to perform the
    maintenance to my vehicles using the method that I have used for decades.
    Brian Smith, Oct 19, 2008
  6. rev_otis_mcnatt

    Dillon Pyron Guest

    Let's see
    You: Drive the car on to the ramps, pull the drain plug, pull the
    filter, replace filter gasket, replace filter, replace drain plug
    gasket, pour in oil. repeat every 3000 miles

    Me: Drive the car on to the ramps, pull the drain plug, pull the
    filter, replace filter gasket, replace filter, replace drain plug
    gasket, pour in oil. repeat every 7000 miles.

    One of us is spending less money.
    Dillon Pyron, Oct 20, 2008
  7. rev_otis_mcnatt

    Dillon Pyron Guest

    Thus spake :

    It's "pretty clear" to you because you don't understand it and make
    things up on the fly.
    Um, see above. You have no knowledge or expertise (otherwise, why
    would you be asking the question in the first place), yet you are able
    to come to conclusions based on your own opinion and conjecture.
    Dillon Pyron, Oct 20, 2008
  8. rev_otis_mcnatt

    Dillon Pyron Guest

    Thus spake :

    It's "pretty clear" to you because you don't understand it and make
    things up on the fly.
    Um, see above. You have no knowledge or expertise (otherwise, why
    would you be asking the question in the first place), yet you are able
    to come to conclusions based on your own opinion and conjecture.
    Dillon Pyron, Oct 20, 2008
  9. You are truly dense. I said it was cost effective for my application.[/QUOTE]

    I'm not dense.

    You aren't measuring anything; all you know is "I've done it this way
    for 40 years and so far nothing's broken." That doesn't mean anything
    more than "nothing's broken".

    If that's all you care about, fine. OTOH, maybe you'd like to know
    if/how you could TWEAK your process, FINE TUNE it--save a few dollars,
    save some time on unnecessary oil changes, whatever.

    At least have the actual INFORMATION in hand, so that you can make an
    INFORMED decision.

    But no, it seems like you and otis want NOT to have the actual
    information in hand. It seems like you and otis want NOT to know
    anything. You know all you need.

    That sounds like a crack dealer on the corner. Keepin' it real, are
    you? "I don't need to know that shit!"
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Oct 20, 2008
  10. Let's see
    You: Drive the car on to the ramps, pull the drain plug, pull the
    filter, replace filter gasket, replace filter, replace drain plug
    gasket, pour in oil. repeat every 3000 miles

    Me: Drive the car on to the ramps, pull the drain plug, pull the
    filter, replace filter gasket, replace filter, replace drain plug
    gasket, pour in oil. repeat every 7000 miles.

    One of us is spending less money.[/QUOTE]

    And less time.

    Brian doesn't want to *know* anything beyond "my process hasn't broken
    my car yet".

    I wonder what Brian would say to someone who changes his synthetic oil
    religiously every 2000 miles. I bet Brian would have ALL SORTS of snide
    remarks for THAT guy. Never mind that it's the same "my process hasn't
    broken my car yet" mindset...
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Oct 20, 2008
  11. Another genius amuses me with his dendrite shortage. Explain
    if you can what about "none of the other maintenance items show
    up until the Oil Life reading reaches 15%" can you not comprehend?
    I asked the question about this silly Honda MM 5 days ago. Since then
    I have learned quite clearly how it works. How many years
    will it take for you to figure it out? Ever heard "tis better to be
    silent and thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt"?
    rev_otis_mcnatt, Oct 20, 2008
  12. Another genius amuses me with his dendrite shortage. Explain
    if you can what about "none of the other maintenance items show
    up until the Oil Life reading reaches 15%" can you not comprehend?
    I asked the question about this silly Honda MM 5 days ago. Since then
    I have learned quite clearly how it works. How many years
    will it take for you to figure it out? Ever heard "tis better to be
    silent and thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt"?
    rev_otis_mcnatt, Oct 20, 2008
  13. rev_otis_mcnatt

    jim beam Guest

    to a materials person, you know, what cars are made of, dendrites are
    these things:

    life would be much more pleasant if you dropped the preoccupation with
    personal issues and concentrated on car stuff.

    why don't you explain your simple oil usage algorithm when a modern
    vehicle can track every cold start, every warmup cycle, every minute of
    idle, every minute [blah...] ?

    eh? you came here demanding free expert advice, against which you
    fought, you complained, you insulted, and then you flung your teddy in a
    corner announcing your departure, yet here you still are and now you're
    lecturing others on the benefits of silence??? buddy, you need to take
    your own advice if you don't understand why you're getting a negative
    reaction. coughing up your secret data on your oil analysis would help too.
    jim beam, Oct 20, 2008
  14. rev_otis_mcnatt

    jim beam Guest

    to a materials person, you know, what cars are made of, dendrites are
    these things:

    life would be much more pleasant if you dropped the preoccupation with
    personal issues and concentrated on car stuff.

    why don't you explain your simple oil usage algorithm when a modern
    vehicle can track every cold start, every warmup cycle, every minute of
    idle, every minute [blah...] ?

    eh? you came here demanding free expert advice, against which you
    fought, you complained, you insulted, and then you flung your teddy in a
    corner announcing your departure, yet here you still are and now you're
    lecturing others on the benefits of silence??? buddy, you need to take
    your own advice if you don't understand why you're getting a negative
    reaction. coughing up your secret data on your oil analysis would help too.
    jim beam, Oct 20, 2008
  15. This, coming from the King of Snotty Remarks?!
    Greg Campbell, Oct 20, 2008
  16. This, coming from the King of Snotty Remarks?!
    Greg Campbell, Oct 20, 2008
  17. rev_otis_mcnatt

    AZ Nomad Guest

    You really look stupid bordering on insanity when you continue to post
    ad hominem's when your logical falacy has been pointed out to you in
    terms that hit you in the face.
    AZ Nomad, Oct 20, 2008
  18. rev_otis_mcnatt

    AZ Nomad Guest

    You really look stupid bordering on insanity when you continue to post
    ad hominem's when your logical falacy has been pointed out to you in
    terms that hit you in the face.
    AZ Nomad, Oct 20, 2008
  19. rev_otis_mcnatt

    jim beam Guest

    actually, i'm the king of "don't pollute the knowledge pool with b.s.".
    jim beam, Oct 21, 2008
  20. rev_otis_mcnatt

    jim beam Guest

    actually, i'm the king of "don't pollute the knowledge pool with b.s.".
    jim beam, Oct 21, 2008
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