Quick Change Oil Fiasco

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by butch burton, Jun 14, 2006.

  1. butch burton

    butch burton Guest

    A couple of days ago a friend was backing out of his driveway when he
    noticed a large puddle of oil. He stopped the vehicle - a Ford pickup
    - popped the hood and oil was leaking out of his just changed oil
    filter. When he got the filter off and replaced - it was damages -
    holes punched into the sides of the filter. He went to the quick
    change place and asked the manager to see the tool they used to change
    filters - the tool hand slots which gripped the sides of the filter and
    the ape putting on the filter twisted it hard enough to cut into the
    filter body causing the oil leak.

    Posted this cause it is a new low for quick oil change idiots - people
    who go to these places to get their oil changed are taking huge risks.
    Even on my honda accord it takes less than 10 minutes to change the oil
    and filter - have a local garage who is really happy to see my 10
    gallons of used oil in midwinter - lots of these guys have oil heaters
    to heat their garage - saves hundreds every month.
    butch burton, Jun 14, 2006
  2. butch burton

    jim beam Guest

    using old motor oil for heating is not a smart thing to do. it contains
    lead from bearings, neuro-toxic organics and a host of other
    contaminants it picks up from operation. sure, the user will notice
    nothing immediately, but they're still there and the effects are
    cumulative. an interesting way to compete for a darwin award though.
    jim beam, Jun 14, 2006
  3. butch burton

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Those are really popular up here in Ontario Canada. Saves a fortune on
    heating oil. And since you're in WI, you know what kind of weather we
    get...eight months of winter, four months of bad skiing.
    TeGGeR®, Jun 14, 2006
  4. butch burton

    butch burton Guest

    My buddies in this garage have drank too much of your namesake and it's
    cousins to care much about air pollution - they are also chain smokers
    - personally burning used motor oil makes sense - particularly when you
    can save $1K per month on gas bills. Most every garage around here
    does that - you have to pay some guy with a govt approved truck and
    license to haul off the hazardous waste AKA used motor oil. Hmm let's
    see if I burn it I save $1K/month - if I have it hauled off I pay also
    - no brainer.
    butch burton, Jun 14, 2006
  5. butch burton

    Elle Guest

    It sounds like the "ape" was using what I think is
    colloquially called the "Crusher." It's //only// for
    removing filters that will not come off with an ordinary oil
    filter wrench. Very effective at that. But good lord, using
    the Crusher to install a new oil filter? Big mistake, as you
    I think consumers everywhere should understand that the
    least experienced apprentice/technician is often the one
    changing one's oil. One should always be vigilant after an
    oil change done anywhere. I had Sears do an oil change
    twenty years ago, and the kid technician didn't scrape off
    the old oil filter gasket. This yielded a sort of double
    gasket after the new filter was installed. Of course it did
    not seal properly. Five miles down the //highway//, the oil
    pressure light came on. I pull over. Oil is all over the
    ground. Called Sears. They towed it back and re-did the oil
    change correctly.

    Fortunately I knew enough to stop the engine.
    Elle, Jun 14, 2006
  6. butch burton

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Anybody remember "Ravishing Ronald"? :)
    TeGGeR®, Jun 14, 2006
  7. butch burton

    ricebike Guest


    doesn't those used oil furnaces have special filters to catch those
    contaminants before it goes out the exhaust?

    if they have it for home use/ i'd get one for the garage...
    ricebike, Jun 14, 2006
  8. butch burton

    jmattis Guest

    the kid technician didn't scrape off

    I know of a case where the "double gasket" simply blew out while the
    engine was at very high revs. Destroyed the engine. Dealer had to
    replace after the owner complained to the state motor vehicle
    commission as a "lemon law" matter.
    jmattis, Jun 14, 2006
  9. butch burton

    Nasty Guest

    That's what got me into the mess I'm in. My excuse is that I was not up to
    speed recovering from shoulder and eye surgery, and I'm stickin' to it.
    Didn't notice the old gasket still on the block EVEN after it felt funny
    when I screwed the new filter on.

    Then my honey was on her way to work and drove it a wee bit too long after
    HER oil light came on. Ended up shearing the key on the cam pulley. The heat
    generated de-tempered the end of the cam shaft and it came off with the
    I had already bought a replacement motor before we found that the rest of
    the motor was OK. I figured it would be less complicated to just replace the
    head rather than the cam.

    The good news? I have a TON of spare parts. Anybody with a comparable motor
    needing parts let me know. It's a 2000 2.3 VTEC.
    Nasty, Jun 14, 2006
  10. butch burton

    Alan Guest

    I was thinking that the hot air is supposed to vent out and the heat
    from the hot pipe is supposed to warm the area. But it's still bad for
    air pollultion.
    Alan, Jun 14, 2006
  11. butch burton

    SoCalMike Guest

    filters should only be hand-tight. ive NEVER used a wrench to tighten a
    filter, only to remove one.
    SoCalMike, Jun 15, 2006

  12. Those heaters generally vent off combustion gasses to chimneys etc. just
    like a normal #2 fuel oil burner. Extensively used in New England (my
    roots) and the smart way for recycling waste products that actually
    "pay" the user..

    Grumpy AuContraire, Jun 15, 2006

  13. And that's why I reside in Texas. I don't like heat but I don't like
    cold a whole lot more...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Jun 15, 2006

  14. I think that the only effective "filter" would be catalytic in nature
    but would not work well in this case due to the metallic particles in
    waste oil and other possible contaminants.

    Considering how many of these units (relatively) are in use, I don't
    think that they contribute substantially to the detriment of air quality.

    And yes, you can get one for home use but they are quite pricey...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Jun 15, 2006
  15. butch burton

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Nope. Straight out the pipe. They pollute less overall than a wood or coal-
    burning stove.

    They do. Garage supply shops sell them.
    TeGGeR®, Jun 15, 2006
  16. butch burton

    TeGGeR® Guest

    OEM should be tightened to 8-10 ft-lbs. Hand-tight may be OK in warm
    climates, but it's not sufficient in places with cold winters.

    With the previous filter design, Honda had problems with leakage from
    garages that didn't tighten the filters properly. Those required 15 ft-lbs
    of torque, which was hard to generate without a wrench.

    I use a torque wrench with mine.
    TeGGeR®, Jun 15, 2006
  17. My mechanic sells it to a recycler for $0.50 per gallon. Think about
    that the next time you get a charge for "environmental fee" on your
    service bill.
    Gordon McGrew, Jun 15, 2006

  18. A lot of smaller shops have to pay to have the stuff removed. I know
    that this is the case in Austin, TX. In fact, it's one of Safety
    Kleen's sources of income...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Jun 15, 2006
  19. butch burton

    Matt Ion Guest

    That's pretty good, considering most cars recommend installing a new oil
    filter hand-tight only! Yikes!
    Matt Ion, Jun 15, 2006
  20. butch burton

    Matt Ion Guest

    Here in BC, the gov't adds an "enviromental levy" on NEW goods like oil,
    car batteries, etc. It may be beyond the shop's control.
    Matt Ion, Jun 15, 2006
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