Quickie lube joints

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JB, Apr 29, 2004.

  1. JB

    JB Guest

    I do my own oil changes, but my wife takes her Accord to quick lube
    places. Almost every time she gets it back we smell burning oil, like
    they got it on the exhaust manifold or something. Are these guys just
    being sloppy, or is there something else going on? I don't get why it
    happens every time, even though she takes it to different places.

    Also, this last time, she got it back and had oil leaking (quite a bit).
    I watched the dip stick and the level never dropped, even though at
    least a half to full quart must've come out of there over several days.
    Where was it coming from if it didn't affect the level the oil pan? Is
    there an overfilling issue?


    JB, Apr 29, 2004
  2. JB

    John Horner Guest

    Be a good husband and do them for her. Then you will be able to figure out
    what is going on.

    John Horner, Apr 29, 2004
  3. JB

    JB Guest

    Dear John,

    FYI, I am a good husband and I certainly don't need that type of advice
    from the likes of you.
    JB, Apr 29, 2004
  4. JB

    Brian Smith Guest

    If that doesn't spin your wheels. Then you could go to the location she goes
    to get her oil changed, and ask them what's going on. They are in a better
    position to answer that question, then people that are spread across the



    A member of Cauce Canada

    Brian Smith, Apr 29, 2004
  5. JB

    JB Guest

    You know, when I don't know the answer to a question, I just keep my
    mouth shut. I thought this was a Honda forum. Adios, I'm outta here.
    JB, Apr 29, 2004
  6. JB

    Fred Guest

    So what kind of advise are you looking for? If you don't like the answer go
    and talk to your "quicky" friends, they will be happy to see you back.
    Fred, Apr 29, 2004
  7. JB

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    What a retard. Good riddance, Homer.
    Dave Kelsen, Apr 29, 2004
  8. JB

    John Horner Guest

    It was meant in jest. You have no idea what the likes of me is.

    John Horner, Apr 29, 2004
  9. I'm afraid your original question could have had a number of answers,
    not just the one good and true from the one expert who knows all.

    If you've ever watched the workers in a specialized shop, one that does
    just mufflers or just tires or just oil, you know that they try to work
    fast. One is a valuable imployee if one can punch lots of cards. So it's
    usually not in the worker's interest to be real careful about where the
    oil goes. It's like everything else these days: high efficiency means
    the worker is probably doing the work of two guys.

    Could be your wife's car was over filled, but I don't know where the
    breather fumes go these days. They used to go into the intake manifold
    and perhaps they still do except that intake manifolds aren't what they
    used to be. Could be they filter it and vent it or condense it and
    return it to the crankcase.

    And it's very possible that oil is getting on parts of the exhaust
    system but that wouldn't hurt anything except the air. Could be that the
    oil filter is so close to some exhaust component that it takes special
    care to avoid drips, and because of the nature of the job even workers
    in different shops make the same small mistake.

    So maybe God doesn't subscribe to this group and post definitive
    answers, but that's no reason to abandon it. We are but rational.

    Yet Another John, Apr 29, 2004
  10. JB

    Cosmin N. Guest

    Wow, talk about an attitude problem... And I can't help but wonder why
    do they keep going back to that place, when there are so many oil change
    shops that do a good job.

    After the first time I would have checked out the car myself, or I would
    have went to a Honda dealer, or to a mechanic that I trust to find out
    what is going on.

    Cosmin N., Apr 29, 2004
  11. JB

    Fish Guest

    Retards are infiltrating the neighborhoods and with the introduction of the
    internet into group homes we should really expect one to meander, before
    recognizing where they actually are, into our forum sometimes.

    I really cant understand or explain his behavior. I won't post again on
    this issue, but i'm glad jb's gone...

    I went to one of those quickie joiints and for the service i got it was easy
    to decide i wouldnt go back. I am sure there are quickie joints that are
    reputable, but i am not in the mood to be searching for them. imho.
    Fish, Apr 29, 2004
  12. JB

    null_pointer Guest

    I believe that the oil filter is mounted on the back side of the
    block. When it is removed about a cup of oil spills out and can
    easily get on the exhaust pipe which passes under that area. Even
    working slowly and carefully, it is hard to prevent this. Also, the
    oil can continue to drip out of this area for quite some time.
    null_pointer, Apr 29, 2004
  13. JB

    Face Guest


    We have two Honda's that go to the dealer for every oil change. When
    you drive them out of the shop they both have a slight smell of burning
    oil that lasts until the exhaust system gets hot enough to burn the oil
    off. The oil filters on both cars, 2000 CRV and 1992 Accord, are almost
    directly above the exhaust pipe. When you remove the filter it is very
    easy to drip oil on the pipe. Even if you wipe it off there is some
    residue left that needs to burn off. I'm sure you could take some kind
    of cleaner to it to get it all off but I don't think it's worth it.

    Also, my 1984 Accord used to to the same thing. I did most of the oil
    changes on it.

    So if it doesn't last very long I wouldn't worry about it. If it does
    I'd talk to the shop about it.

    Hope this helps.
    Face, Apr 29, 2004
  14. JB

    Khee Mao Guest

    this happens to my '97 Prelude every time I get an oil change...doesn't
    matter where I take her, Jiffy, Sears, the dealer, etc...usually disappears
    after a bit of driving...at first I was alarmed, but fluid levels seemed to
    stay within spec...if the lube shops are overfilling and causing you to burn
    oil internally, you would see a bluish smoke coming from your exhaust...
    Khee Mao, Apr 29, 2004
  15. JB

    Barry Guest

    Hey Dave --
    Barry, May 5, 2004
  16. JB

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    Back atcha, Barry!
    Dave Kelsen, May 5, 2004
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