R.I.P. General Motors (1931-2006)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Frater Oconulux 11°, Mar 31, 2006.

  1. General Motors ----> (Rest in Pieces)

    Rust didn't kill'em, Customers didn't kill'em....

    SUCK ASS Management and the UAW *both* killed GM.

    NOW.....just watch and see all those UAW Retirees
    whose pensions and health coverage will shortly
    EVAPORATE into Corporate Swiss and Cayman Island
    bank accounts.

    Bye Bye.....y'all should have bought a Toyota or a Honda.

    (Las Vegas says 50/50 that a Chinese firm will offer to
    buy GM for pennies on the dollar later this Year and
    Bush will be blamed for it....ROTFLMF-NAO)

    Frater Oconulux 11°, Mar 31, 2006
  2. Frater Oconulux 11°

    pomponiox Guest

    They paid ridiculous wages to high school dropout to do manual work and
    ridiculous salaries and bonuses to worthless business major lizards who
    served as management. No wonder it is going under.
    pomponiox, Mar 31, 2006
  3. Wouldn't that be a gas, mom's apple pie GM owned by China.
    The Benev0lent dbu, Mar 31, 2006
  4. Frater Oconulux 11°

    twfsa Guest

    I hope those that leave GM take there severence pay and buy a Honda or

    twfsa, Mar 31, 2006
  5. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Does that mean you are happy in your job at McDonalds and all those people
    that made GM number one in the world were stupid and over paid?


    They paid ridiculous wages to high school dropout to do manual work and
    ridiculous salaries and bonuses to worthless business major lizards who
    served as management. No wonder it is going under.
    Mike Hunter, Mar 31, 2006
  6. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Does that mean it will be OK to buy Toyotas that are made in China. Surely
    you don't think Toyotas will still continue assemble their cars in the US
    of imported parts when the can make them so much cheaper in China with those
    same parts do you.
    Mike Hunter, Mar 31, 2006
  7. Making a part or a electronic circut board is far different than moving
    your entire operation to China. I'm told by reliable sources that China
    is difficult to do business with. If I owned a car company, I would buy
    parts but I'd never move my entire facility or in other words be
    completely dependent on China, no way no how.
    The Benev0lent dbu, Mar 31, 2006
  8. WWND?

    (What Would NASCAR Do?)
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Mar 31, 2006
  9. Frater Oconulux 11°

    razz Guest

    Mike! Why do you even bother to feed these mindless idiots. They are
    probably the ones who will support Wal-Mart to the end also. These fucking
    idiots don't realize what they are doing to themselves and their country. I
    will not buy Jap shit, because of this mentality, and also was a mechanic at
    a toyo dealership, knowing full well that the quality is no different than a
    domestic. Wal-Mart is a company, along with a few others, that is surely,
    but slowly, killing the N.A. economy. And these fuckers are the ones that
    will shop at these places, guaranteed.

    razz, Apr 1, 2006
  10. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Dan J.S. Guest

    Eventually all cars will be made in China - just like shoes... but that wont
    happen until the Chinese can keep their electricity on for more than a
    day... infrastructure upgrades are coming in 7-10 years over there, and you
    can count on cars being made there.
    Dan J.S., Apr 1, 2006
  11. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Mike Hunter Guest

    The unfortunate part is the average person has no idea that the reason our
    manufacturing jobs are leaving the county is because of US consumer greed
    and that THEY are ONE of the greedy consumers sending their own jobs off
    shore LOL

    mike hunt
    Mike Hunter, Apr 1, 2006
  12. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Better tell Toyota. According to Automotive News they are building a plant
    in China, as well as one in Mexico, as we speak.

    mike hunt
    Mike Hunter, Apr 1, 2006
  13. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Mike Hunter Guest

    I guess you are not familiar with the Twin Gouges dam, the largest in the
    world, right? Do a search you will learn something for a change ;)

    mike hunt
    Mike Hunter, Apr 1, 2006
  14. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Bonehenge Guest

    Mike _is_ a mindless idiot.
    Bonehenge, Apr 1, 2006
  15. Perhaps for far East sales? I cannot imagine they abandoning their
    plants here and having to ship product back here from the far East. I
    thought that is why they built plants here.
    The Benev0lent dbu, Apr 1, 2006
  16. ["Followup-To:" header set to alt.autos.subaru.] On 2006-03-31, Mike
    Hunter penned:
    Maybe US auto manufacturers could buy a clue and start producing
    vehicles that meet my requirements. If greed means "knowing what I
    want," I guess I'm greedy.
    Monique Y. Mudama, Apr 1, 2006
  17. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Jon Patrick Guest

    The people who made GM number one are long since gone. The people there
    now are managing the well-documented slide and trying to simply stabilize
    the marketshare.
    Jon Patrick, Apr 1, 2006
  18. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Mike Hunter Guest

    The started assembling vehicles in the US of foreign parts in plants built
    in this county with taxpayers funds to escape import tariffs. Those tariffs
    no longer exist.

    mike hunt
    Mike Hunter, Apr 1, 2006
  19. Frater Oconulux 11°

    bearman Guest

    Twin Gouges dam? WTF are you talking about. China is building the Three
    Gorges dam. Do a search you will learn something for a change. Twin Gorges
    (Gouges?) is a dam project in the Northwest Territories.
    bearman, Apr 1, 2006
  20. Had it been proposed here in the U.S. it would never have been
    constructed. Maybe this is the defining moment between China and the
    U.S. We have deconstructed the U.S. with rules and bans. Having said
    that, I'm all in favor of protecting the environment, but there is a
    fine line which must be drawn and politics must not be a factor.
    The Benev0lent dbu, Apr 1, 2006
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