R.I.P. General Motors (1931-2006)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Frater Oconulux 11°, Mar 31, 2006.

  1. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Mike Guest

    Still having problems with your math, I see. Three tenths of one percent
    would be 49,500 vehicles. That's a far cry from the "distant fourth" that
    you claimed. Why do you need to skew the facts to try and make your point ?
    Mike, Apr 3, 2006
  2. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Roy Guest

    I wish I never heard the name now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Roy, Apr 3, 2006
  3. Frater Oconulux 11°

    KK Guest

    The people who were paid $100k/yr to not work for GM were certainly
    KK, Apr 3, 2006
  4. Frater Oconulux 11°

    pomponiox Guest

    Naw, it just means that it takes the three of them to outdo one
    Japanese auto maker. (Though I understand that there are no longer any
    "american" or "japanese" brands -- the difference is who runs the
    company, the suits or the engineers.)
    pomponiox, Apr 3, 2006
  5. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Bob Palmer Guest

    Don't forget to subtract the fleet sales from those big 3 total truck sales.
    After you do that, you basically have the (1) "I only buy American" owners,
    and (2) the owners lured by the steep roll backs in price and employee
    incentive programs. Hands down, Honda and Toyota have a much better product.
    It's amazing because Ford and GM have been building pickups since the "40s
    and you think they'd have got it right by now.

    If you are in one of these two pre-mentioned categories, please take your
    comments about Ford, GM or Chrysler products elsewhere, because you will
    never convince a Honda or Toyota owner that the big 3's products are better.
    Bob Palmer, Apr 3, 2006
  6. Frater Oconulux 11°

    mark_digital Guest

    For sake of argument suppose the air quality is dirty in your area and the
    cause is from motor vehicles. Well, we all have to breathe but it's unfair
    to make everyone pay to clean it up because not everyone drives. Yes it
    would be nice to spread the cost but I think enough people are fed up paying
    for services a few want. So the alternative is to put the necessary
    technology into the vehicles.
    I see the local fire departments may adopt a similar strategy by whacking
    those they have to respond to with fees and fines because if they don't, the
    increase cost will have to be spread over the whole community. Good
    incentive to lose weight and not call the fire department to help get you
    off the toilet.LOL!!! The home owners insurance company will be billed and I
    hope the insurance company considers them a risk and raises their rate than
    to spread it out otherwise the whole idea would be a waste.

    mark_digital, Apr 3, 2006
  7. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Mike Hunter Guest

    No need to do that, simply use the figures reported by the Commerce
    Department of the total sales in 2005. ;)

    No mater how some like to spin it, no Japanese company outsold any domestic

    mike hunt
    Mike Hunter, Apr 3, 2006
  8. Frater Oconulux 11°

    rantonrave Guest

    That's almost always going to be the case for people who drive only
    10K/year, but people who travel 3-4 times that much can come out ahead,
    as some NYC cabbies have.

    I wouldn't assume EPA mileage numbers for either hybrids or IC-only
    cars, but Consumer Reports numbers have been realistic, and my Prius
    got very close to their 35/50. I didn't buy it for the savings or
    ecological purposes but for the same reason exterminators often drive
    Beetles with toilet seats on the roof to represent mouse ears --
    rantonrave, Apr 3, 2006
  9. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Don't need to, nor am I trying to, simply posting the fact that more
    buyers choose GM, Ford, Chrysler and even Toyota over Honda in 2005 when it
    came time to buy the vehicle THEY thought was better. Obviously you though
    Honda was better if that is what you bought . That is your privilege, just
    as it is for every other buyer but you are in a minority. Besides what
    difference does it make why one buys what they buy, it only maters that they

    mike hunt
    Mike Hunter, Apr 3, 2006
  10. Frater Oconulux 11°

    gfretwell Guest

    SS has been doomed by demographics since it's inception. The 1939 act
    that allowed the government to spend the surplus and put an IOU in the
    box hastened the demise and the 1968 act that allowed these funds to
    balance the budget put the last nail in the coffin. The ONLY president
    who seriously addressed the SS problem was Barry Goldwater, in 1964,
    when it could have been fixed. If we had taken his advice and set up
    real retirement plans for the boomers then, we would have real assets
    in the box, instead of IOUs that depend on taxes to pay them back,
    The first crunch will come in a few years when the SURPLUS goes away
    and the government has to look somewhere else for that money.
    It is down hill from there.
    BTW the default of the US government on it's bonds is not that
    unlikely. The US is the only G8 country that hasn't defaulted on a
    bond and most have had serious currency failures in the last century.
    Fiscal survival is the exception, not the rule.
    gfretwell, Apr 3, 2006
  11. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Jason Guest

    I doubt if you have ever taken a course in college statistics. Even if you
    are 100% right, it means nothing in relation to what is referred to as the
    bottom line e.g. (profit vs loss). GM (according to the news media) may go
    bankrupt in the near future. Honda and Toyata are not having any problems
    related to the bottom line. Their profits are in the black. GM's profits
    are in the red.
    Also--what's the total number of models made by GM?
    What's the total number of models made by Honda?
    Jason, Apr 3, 2006
  12. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Gosi Guest

    In Sweden ecocarsales increased 540% in march


    They are now 15% of the total carsales
    Gosi, Apr 3, 2006
  13. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Actually from its inception long before 1939 the funds, by law, could only
    be invested in US government bonds on which they taxed YOU to pay the

    As President Reagan said on many occasions, if you give your money to the
    government, the government will find ways to spend it. The thing we need to
    do is stop giving the government more money then it needs.

    When they added second and third wives as beneficiary to one mans
    contribution and when they added 'Free' Medicare, the FICA was never raised
    enough to cover the increased spending. Now the feds are giving us 'Free'
    drugs without taking in the funds needed to cover that as well. Over and
    over we allow, even insist, the government give us more 'Free' stuff.
    Personally I can't afford any more of this 'Free' stuff. Folks, you will
    not be able to afford 'Free' national healthcare for everyone if it ever
    becomes law in the US ;)

    mike hunt
    Mike Hunter, Apr 3, 2006
  14. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Cool Jet Guest

    Björn, that's like saying that ecocarsales went from 5 units to 27
    units in March. Big deal! Was that year over year? Month over month? Be
    more specific.
    Sadly, not all of us can read the Swedish or Icelandic languages, so
    for your comment to be meaningful, you would have to provide more
    specific information.
    They who? Worldwide? In Sweden? In Iceland? Japan? North America? That
    means nothing if overall car sales are down, say 30% over the period
    under comparison. Please provide further details, so we can form a
    reasoned opinion.
    Cool Jet, Apr 3, 2006
  15. Frater Oconulux 11°

    scott Guest

    I can't afford all the "Free" stuff either. I wish I could opt out on a
    lot of that "free " stuff and pay my own way instead.
    scott, Apr 3, 2006
  16. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Cool Jet Guest

    Uh Mike. . .Toyota and Honda are clearly a distant fourth and fifth to
    GM. You printed the numbers yourself. GM had 26.8% , while Toyota and
    Honda had 13.7% and 8.9% respectively. I'd certainly call that a
    distant fourth and fifth! Neither English nor Math must be your forte'
    or you'd know that Toyota and Honda should be compared to the leader,
    not the 3rd place manufacturer.
    Cool Jet, Apr 3, 2006
  17. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Gosi Guest

    Miljöbilarna slår nytt rekord
    ecocars make new records

    Miljöbilarna svarade för hela 15 procent av registreringarna i mars,
    ecocars counted for 15% of registration in march

    nytt rekord. Det framgår av en särredovisning av statistiken som Bil
    Sweden gjort.
    new record. This is according to statistics from Bil Sweden

    Totalt såldes 3.845 miljöbilar. Det var en ökning med hela 540
    procent jämfört med mars
    Total sales 3.845 ecocars. That is increase by 540% compared with march

    i fjol. Alla typer av miljöbilar, etanol, gas, hybrid och extremt
    snåla bensin- och
    last year. All types of ecocars, etanol, gas, hybrid and especially
    effective besin and

    dieselbilar ökade.
    diesel cars increased

    Saab 9-5 Biopower blev den i särklass mest sålda miljöbilen i mars
    med 1.531
    Saab 9-5 Biopower was the most sold ecocar in march with 1.531

    registreringar. På andra plats kom Ford Focus Fleifuel och på tredje
    plats Volvo V50
    registrations. Second place Ford Focus Fleifuel and third place Volvo

    Gosi, Apr 3, 2006
  18. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Guest Guest

    Toyotas last so long they could get a good used one that better fits
    their budget.
    By the way I'm very saddened by this GM mess. I used to buy GM products
    as did my family, but I left them in the 80s for better products from
    Now Chrysler is a "foreign" manufacturer as is Toyota.
    Guest, Apr 3, 2006
  19. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Guest Guest

    Volume has nothing to do with quality or value.
    Watch the sales trend, GM is sinking fast and Toyota is rising fast.

    Toyota just expanded a second new factory in Canada before they started
    construction. That factory will also ship it's modest sized SUV model
    to Japan.
    The Toyota engine plant in WV is continually expanding and I believe
    they are now up to 10 factories in the USA.
    Guest, Apr 3, 2006
  20. Frater Oconulux 11°

    Guest Guest

    You are right there. GM's importing of foreign built products is a
    reflection of their reaching the bottom.
    Save the company, to hell with the local workers society.
    Guest, Apr 3, 2006
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