Radar detector false alerts

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by tomk, Sep 23, 2003.

  1. tomk

    tomk Guest

    i have the passport 8500...great detector.
    the only mystery i have is that it goes off in the same spot
    everyday. its an intersection with a traffic light in a medium
    populated suburb. no electric signs, no businesses, just the
    electical box for the light.

    the passport does pick up residuals from radar guns where
    cops usually hang out, but i haven't seen one in years there.
    its a very strong signal too.

    any ideas?
    tomk, Sep 23, 2003
  2. tomk

    Pete Guest

    Is it on X band? Is it possible that there's a photo radar at that traffic
    light? Try going through the intersection on red light and see if you get a
    photo in the mail from your friendly DMV. ;-)


    Pete, Sep 23, 2003
  3. tomk

    TCS Guest

    motion detector for the light. to detect pedestrians perhaps?
    TCS, Sep 23, 2003
  4. tomk

    Graham W Guest

    In the UK it would be vehicle motion detection to hold off
    changing to pedestrian mode so that pedestrians would
    not be able to get immediate access while vehicles were
    in view - otherwise the lights can change in their favour
    just about straight away.
    Graham W, Sep 24, 2003
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