Radar Detector Recomendation

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Butch Haynes, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. Butch Haynes

    Brian Smith Guest

    I'm sorry Jim, but someone obeying the law is not the one responsible
    (take note of that word) for causing the collision(s). The ones responsible
    for the collision(s) are the people who aren't willing to obey the law.
    Brian Smith, Feb 8, 2008
  2. Butch Haynes

    Tegger Guest

    Nobody said you had to change anything.

    And hey, my license is clean too! Now that the seat belt and speeding
    charges have finally aged off, that is. ;^)
    Tegger, Feb 8, 2008
  3. Butch Haynes

    Jeff Guest

    What difference does it make why the limits were set? If the limits are
    bad limits, complain to you elected officials. Or become an elected

    Jeff, Feb 8, 2008
  4. Butch Haynes

    E Meyer Guest

    I think I smell one of those guys who camp out in the passing lane
    self-righteously driving exactly the speed limit, forming a rolling
    roadblock for everyone behind them. Used to be a lot of that during the 55
    mph days. Less now, but still a few left.

    Texas passed a "road-rage" law a few years ago that includes a $200 fine for
    camping out in the passing lane. Regardless of your speed, if you are
    passed on the right, you have committed the violation. The reason for this:
    in some cases the one driving the speed limit was the one responsible for
    causing the collision.
    E Meyer, Feb 8, 2008
  5. Butch Haynes

    Brian Smith Guest

    I took it as being suggested. Sorry.
    It's freshly cleaned <g>.
    Brian Smith, Feb 8, 2008
  6. Butch Haynes

    Brian Smith Guest

    I have no complaints about the speed limits. I operate my vehicles
    within the limitations happily watching the morons flying by, and down the
    road ending up beside them at the next red light.
    Brian Smith, Feb 9, 2008
  7. Butch Haynes

    Seth Guest

    When you're injured or worse, who care's who is responsible? Hurt is hurt.
    I'd rather not be hurt. If the prevailing speed is 7 over on a particular
    highway, I'll do 7 over. Righteous indignation won't cover my ass.
    Seth, Feb 9, 2008
  8. Butch Haynes

    Jim Yanik Guest

    "speeding" is usually just ignoring an arbitrary number painted on a road
    sign. No actual relation to road safety.In many urban areas,sticking to the
    speed limit actually makes things MORE unsafe.It causes traffic to bunch
    up.That's more unsafe than the "speeding".

    I suspect "Dan C." speeds too. ONE mph over the SL -IS- "speeding".

    Even police speed,both on-duty and off-duty,even when not needed for work
    Hairballs in the throat of traffic.
    Jim Yanik, Feb 9, 2008
  9. Butch Haynes

    Jim Yanik Guest

    that's NAIVE at best.
    55mph -used- to be the National Motor Speed Limit(NMSL);before that many
    highways were posted 70-75 mph.
    Were they "unsafe" before the 55 NMSL? No.
    And much later,speed limits got changed back to 65-70 mph in most non-
    Socialist states.
    Traffic deaths continued to decrease.

    BUT,the Unintended Consequence of the 55 NMSL was that LANE DISCIPLINE was
    lost forever. 55 NMSL brought about the self-rightous LLB,Left Lane
    Blocker,and passing on the right,necessary to get around LLBs.

    Look at Germany's Autobahn;they have lane discipline,and higher traffic
    Who still doesn't have the authority to alter posted speed limits.
    Most SLs come from traffic "engineering" manuals.
    To deviate from them usually requires a legislative majority to vote to
    change them.
    Jim Yanik, Feb 9, 2008
  10. Butch Haynes

    jim beam Guest

    there's a website just for people like you brian: sanctimoniousclaptrap.com
    jim beam, Feb 9, 2008
  11. Butch Haynes

    jim beam Guest

    you're projecting there dan because what you describe is not what i'm
    experiencing. you might want to see a therapist about that.

    dude, alameda is on the 880, not 580. you're lucky to ever reach 55 on
    880, but if you do, you'd better be sure to keep up with the guys in front.

    how odd - i drove down three weekends ago, and was barely keeping up
    with traffic at 95 on the 15 headed into town on the friday evening. do
    you think my speedometer was showing 40 over? can you check it for me
    jim beam, Feb 9, 2008
  12. Butch Haynes

    jim beam Guest

    see previous post. oh, and my grandmother has gotten multiple tickets
    for "not keeping up with prevailing traffic". guess what speed she
    jim beam, Feb 9, 2008
  13. Butch Haynes

    jim beam Guest

    how about the law that states you need to keep up with the prevailing
    speed of traffic?
    jim beam, Feb 9, 2008
  14. Butch Haynes

    jim beam Guest

    as i understand it, you can post lower limits, not higher.
    jim beam, Feb 9, 2008
  15. Butch Haynes

    Jeff Guest

    I looked for the site. It doesn't exist. However, you're able to make it
    your own site, if you want.

    Jeff, Feb 9, 2008
  16. Butch Haynes

    Jeff Guest

    Let's see the tickets where it says that.
    Jeff, Feb 9, 2008
  17. Butch Haynes

    Jeff Guest

    What are the Socialist states?

    Traffic deaths decreased in large part because of cars that were able to
    protect their occupants better, as well as using safety equipment and
    decreasing drunk driving.

    ROTFL. You should write to Dave Letterman. He can use it for his show.
    That's because of laws, which are made legislators, who are elected

    And who votes for the legislature?

    Jeff, Feb 9, 2008
  18. Butch Haynes

    Tegger Guest

    Driving at the prevailing speed of traffic is safe.

    This premise is abundantly supported by readily available evidence.

    Do you know Latin?

    Lex mala, lex nulla.

    Just because a bunch of guys got together and wrote some stuff down on a
    piece of paper does not mean they knew what they were doing.

    Are you a Weberian? Or a Prussian? You must be either, or both.
    Tegger, Feb 9, 2008
  19. Butch Haynes

    Tegger Guest

    You are aware that exessively low speed limits are associated with
    increased collisions due to inattention?
    Tegger, Feb 9, 2008
  20. Butch Haynes

    jim beam Guest

    she's 600 miles away and i don't get tickets like that, so forgive my
    laziness if i don't head on down there just because you can't be
    bothered to look up something simple like ca vehicle code 21654(a).

    now, you go ahead and tell me your state doesn't have an equivalent.
    jim beam, Feb 9, 2008
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