Radar Detector Recomendation

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Butch Haynes, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. Butch Haynes

    jim beam Guest

    are you serious??? did you really do that???

    jeff, you need help.
    jim beam, Feb 9, 2008
  2. Butch Haynes

    jim beam Guest

    jim beam, Feb 9, 2008
  3. Butch Haynes

    Tegger Guest

    Or none at all. Remember those "RESUME SPEED" signs?

    Originally, nobody said they were.

    The primary impetus for the double-nickel was emissions, not "safety".
    "Safety" came later.

    Higher engine speeds tended to wreck early pelletized catalytic
    converters. Lower road speeds meant lower engine speeds, which also
    meant gentler exhaust pulses, leading to better cat life. Hence the
    national 55.

    It just so happened the cops discovered the new lower speed limits
    (which had largely been reduced from those that a given road had
    originally been designed for) meant an embarrassment of riches in
    "speeding" fines, since people tended to drive at speeds they felt safe
    at, which usually coincided with the speed the road was designed for.
    The police to this very day are the very biggest boosters of speed
    limits and enforcement.

    What was it Ross Perot used to say? "Follow the money!"
    Tegger, Feb 9, 2008
  4. Butch Haynes

    Jim Yanik Guest

    far more dangerous is speed DIFFERENTIAL;those travelling significantly
    slower or faster than the majority of traffic.

    So,Mr.Brian Smith is likely creating a greater hazard than the "speeders".
    Jim Yanik, Feb 9, 2008
  5. Butch Haynes

    jim beam Guest

    i one time heard rumor to the effect that some speed cops used to get
    "commission" based on their "yield". i don't think that's the case now,
    but it sure would add zealotry to their work.
    jim beam, Feb 9, 2008
  6. Butch Haynes

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Florida tried to enact such an anti-LLB law and the stupid governor vetoed
    Jim Yanik, Feb 9, 2008
  7. Butch Haynes

    Jeff Guest

    The law:

    "21654. (a) Notwithstanding the prima facie speed limits, any
    vehicle proceeding upon a highway at a speed less than the normal
    speed of traffic moving in the same direction at such time shall be
    driven in the right-hand lane for traffic or as close as practicable
    to the right-hand edge or curb, except when overtaking and passing
    another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing
    for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or


    As I read the law, it means that you have to drive on the right-hand
    side of the road if you're traveling more slowly than the prevailing or
    normal speed. It doesn't say you have to keep up if the normal speed is
    faster than the speed limit.

    Jeff, Feb 9, 2008
  8. Butch Haynes

    Jeff Guest

    Gee, it takes 2 sec. And you never know what people put there.

    Jeff, Feb 9, 2008
  9. Butch Haynes

    jim beam Guest

    someone like our self-appointed internet speed cop contributed $5 to his
    reelection fund, on condition he did that.
    jim beam, Feb 9, 2008
  10. Butch Haynes

    jim beam Guest

    then you don't understand what you're reading. translated it means:
    "slugs keep right or you'll get a ticket for not keeping up, regardless
    of 'prima facie' posted limits." and my grandmother is multiple
    testimony to that.

    now you go ahead and figure out what prima facie speed limits mean.
    jim beam, Feb 9, 2008
  11. Butch Haynes

    jim beam Guest

    jeepers, you're the kind of guy that would get stuck all day with a milk
    carton that reads "open other end" on the bottom and "see other end for
    instructions" on the top.
    jim beam, Feb 9, 2008
  12. Butch Haynes

    Jeff Guest

    That's not it either. It was to save fuel during gas crisis of the '70s.
    Catalytic converters didn't become common until later, I think the early
    80s, although I am not sure. I think unleaded gasoline was phased in
    during the '70s, but that was because the health hazards of lead. For a
    long time, you could get both unleaded and leaded fuel at the same pumps
    (but different hoses - the unleaded gasoline nozzle was thinner as was
    the hole the nozzle went into, so that you were unlikely to put leaded
    gasoline into cars that required unleaded gas for the converters).


    There is no longer a national speed law.
    Well they and rescue squads.
    Jeff, Feb 9, 2008
  13. Butch Haynes

    Dan C Guest

    That law is intended to keep folks from driving 40 on the interstate. It
    implies that you are to keep up, but without exceeding the speed limit.
    Have you no common sense?
    Dan C, Feb 9, 2008
  14. Butch Haynes

    Dan C Guest

    Damn, you're dense. Do you think I lived in Alameda and never used the
    580 in Oakland? Do you think I didn't use the 280? The 880? The 80?
    Get a clue, "dude".
    More bullshit. In fact that's an absolute lie. The traffic doesn't flow
    into town at 95. Just not true.

    Quit posting bullshit just to try and make your "argument" seem
    legitimate. You're a friggin liar, and a bad one, at that. FOAD.
    Dan C, Feb 9, 2008
  15. Butch Haynes

    Brian Smith Guest

    There is no such law on the books here. Exceeding the posted limit is
    against the law, no exceptions.
    Brian Smith, Feb 9, 2008
  16. Butch Haynes

    Brian Smith Guest

    But, if that traffic is exceeding the posted Maximum limit, that traffic
    is breaking the law. It's pretty straightforward.
    None of which is applicable when looking at the regulations as stated in
    the MVA.
    No, I don't.
    It's not only "a bunch of guys" putting the regulations into writing,
    it's people who know what they're doing showing othe rpeople (who obviously
    don't know what they're doing) how to drive and operate their vehicles
    safely with due regard for all the other motorists and pedestrians on the
    A law abiding Canadian, thank you. {;^)

    With no moving violations since 1983, or incidents of any type for close
    to two million miles.
    Brian Smith, Feb 9, 2008
  17. Butch Haynes

    Brian Smith Guest

    The collisions are caused by the people (they call themselves drivers,
    but are actually only people that hold on to the steering wheel and point
    and go) that are exceeding the posted limit while not paying attention to
    the task at hand.
    Brian Smith, Feb 9, 2008
  18. Butch Haynes

    Brian Smith Guest

    A suspended licence won't pay my bills. You drive your way and I'll keep
    my licence intact and productive.
    Brian Smith, Feb 9, 2008
  19. Butch Haynes

    Brian Smith Guest

    No doubt authored by you, Jim.
    Brian Smith, Feb 9, 2008
  20. Butch Haynes

    Brian Smith Guest

    I guess she needs to move to a place that encourages people to drive
    within the boundaries of the law.
    Brian Smith, Feb 9, 2008
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