Radiator coolant

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Fijoy George, Aug 10, 2005.

  1. Fijoy George

    Fijoy George Guest

    Hi all,

    I have a 1991 Honda Accord. I just checked the radiator coolant level. The
    level inside the radiator seems to be okey, but the reserve tank is nearly
    empty so that the connecting tube just touches the coolant surface. I had a
    mechanic check the level, and he said it is okey. However the owner's manual
    says that the level has to be kept between max and min. Do I need to add
    some coolant to the reserve tank?

    If yes, which brand should I use? I bought this car recently, and I do not
    know which brand is already inside the radiator.

    I saw a coolant from Prestone which claims that it can be added to any
    coolant, any make, any model. Can their claims be trusted?

    Thanks a lot
    Fijoy George, Aug 10, 2005
  2. Fijoy George

    jim beam Guest

    check tegger.com for the faq's on this subject for hondas. the biggest
    thing is not to use ordinary water - only use distilled when diluting
    the antifreeze.
    jim beam, Aug 10, 2005
  3. Fijoy George

    Elle Guest

    Non-Honda brand coolants have a record of causing premature water pump
    failures. Google records this pretty extensively.

    If you don't want to mess with problems in the future, I suggest a drain,
    flush, and fill, using strictly Honda OEM ("original equipment manufacturer)
    coolant. It costs a few dollars more, but the peace of mind will be worth

    If you are even a little handy around cars, doing the drain and flush
    yourself is pretty easy.
    Elle, Aug 10, 2005
  4. Fijoy George

    Dick Guest

    Yes, you absolutely need to keep the reserve tank at its required
    level. Modern cooling systems are pressurized and depend upon keeping
    air out of the system. You must keep the level high enough so that
    the tube never sees air at the lowest level (when the engine cools and
    draws fluid back into the radiator.)
    Dick, Aug 10, 2005
  5. Fijoy George

    E Meyer Guest

    If your only problem is that the level in the overflow tank is a little low,
    just bring it up to the "min" line with distilled water. The level in the
    radiator itself must be right up to the the cap or the system won't work
    correctly. If it doesn't stay above "Min" in the overflow tank, you might
    have some other problem. The first thing to check is whether the cap is
    holding its rated pressure.

    You can't tell what is in there by looking at it (unless its orange, then
    it's Dexcool). Chances are it hasn't been changed anytime recently, so you
    might consider changing the coolant and refilling with the Honda stuff, but
    nothing you said here says it needs it.
    E Meyer, Aug 10, 2005
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