Radiator Fan

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Trail Shredder, Feb 7, 2005.

  1. I replaced the thermostat in my 92 Accord over the weekend. All seems well
    now except that when I turn the car off now, one of the radiator fan starts
    and runs for at least 3 minutes. I pull the fuse to shut it off, not sure
    exactly how long it will run. It has never done this before. I spilled
    some coolant on the radiator, fan shroud and engine block. Upon
    completiion, I hosed everything off with water. Maybe I got something wet?
    Any ideas?
    Trail Shredder, Feb 7, 2005
  2. Trail Shredder

    TeGGer® Guest

    The rad fan is supposed to come on for a while after the ignition is turned
    off if the engine oil is above a certain temperature.

    It may well be that this is normal behavior that you didn't see before
    because the eninge was running too cool.

    1) What was the reason the thermostat was replaced?
    2) Is the fan off until you turn the ignition off?
    3) Does this happen EVERY time the car is shut off, regardless of whether
    the engine is cold or full-warm?
    TeGGer®, Feb 7, 2005
  3. Temperature wasn't coming up, didn't have much heat unless stopped. Seems
    to have fixed that problem.
    Yes, First thing this morning, after sitting all night, I turned the
    ignition on and the shut it off (didn't even start it) and the fan came on.

    It is also just one of the fans that is coming on.

    Trail Shredder, Feb 8, 2005
  4. Trail Shredder

    TeGGer® Guest

    Last question: Is it the fan that's behind the radiator, or the one that's
    behind the air conditioning condenser? The A/C condenser is smaller than
    the rad and sits behind the rad, closer to the engine.
    TeGGer®, Feb 8, 2005
  5. I am guessing that it is the one for the A/C condensor. It is on the
    passenger side, if that helps. I can look a little better at lunch time.
    Trail Shredder, Feb 8, 2005
  6. Trail Shredder

    Paul Guest

    Sounds normal to me. My 93 would do the same after some prolonged driving.
    If the fan shut off by itself later I wouldn't worry about it.
    Paul, Feb 8, 2005
  7. Trail Shredder

    TeGGer® Guest

    I couldn't find it in my manual before, but I finally found it now:

    US only:
    If it's the rad fan itself, it is normal for the fan to come on after
    shutdown for up to 15 minutes if the oil temperature is higher than 226F.

    Since you're in the US, you've got a slightly different system than

    If the RAD fan stays on for much longer than 15 minutes, or comes on when
    the oil is obviously cold, then you have one of three problems:
    1) Oil temperature switch is bad
    2) Coolant temperature switch is bad
    2) Rad fan relay is bad.

    If it's the CONDENSER fan that stays on, then the condenser fan relay is
    TeGGer®, Feb 9, 2005
  8. Trail Shredder

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    On some Honda's (my 86 accord LXi and my 89 legend) the condenser fan is
    the one that kicks on after you turn the car off. I've seen a few cars with
    a bad fan timer causing the condenser fan to always kick on. My accord uses
    coolant temp to kick the fans on, and my legend uses oil temp.
    Jafir Elkurd, Feb 9, 2005
  9. The fan will come on even if I go out first thing in the morning (after
    sitting for 10-12 hours) and turn the key on and then right back off. Don't
    even have to start it. I live in Ohio and it has been in the 30's at night.
    It didn't used to do this either, just since I changed the thermostat this
    past weekend.
    Trail Shredder, Feb 9, 2005
  10. Trail Shredder

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    You probably have a bad temp switch or bad fan timer. The temp switch might
    be close to the thermostat housing or the radiator hoses, so it might have
    gotten damaged by accident.
    Jafir Elkurd, Feb 10, 2005
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