radiator leak

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ps8888, Dec 19, 2003.

  1. ps8888

    ps8888 Guest

    I went to change oil for my 91 accord. The mechanic told me the
    radiator leak and he said it needs more than $200 to fix it.
    I checked overflow tank, the level is still full, and when I drive my
    car, the temperature always points within normal. Only for some hot
    summer days when car stopped, the front fan will start running.
    Do I need to fix the problem? Is >$200 is the normal charge?
    ps8888, Dec 19, 2003
  2. ps8888

    BillW Guest

    If the radiator has a leak it may not draw the antifreeze from the overflow
    tank. You will need to remove the radiator cap to see if it is full...
    BillW, Dec 19, 2003
  3. ps8888

    Caroline Guest

    Ask the mechanic where the leak is and how serious he thinks it is and why.

    Do you smell anti-freeze either (1) when the car is running and you in it; or
    (2) with the car running and you under the hood?

    Do you see anti-freeze on the pavement of where your car is sitting?

    I would have a backup plan in case the temperature gage suddenly tops out while
    you are driving. E.g. have a cell phone or a tow truck company in mind. Check
    your reservoir's level at every stop. Carry the correct anti-freeze in a jug in
    the trunk of your car, to get you home, possibly, if the leak worsens.

    I would not sweat this until I had more information. Feel free to post back
    where the leak is.
    Caroline, Dec 19, 2003
  4. ps8888

    ps8888 Guest

    If car temerature is in normal range always, does it means the
    radiator working fine? I found the ground with some drips but the tank
    still is full. Should I go to repair? What's the price range?
    ps8888, Dec 19, 2003
  5. ps8888

    Caroline Guest

    As long as it's in the normal range, I'd say the radiator is working fine.
    Whatever you do, if it suddenly tops out, pull over and stop the car.

    But whether (or how fast) the leak will worsen is hard to say unless you can
    find out exactly where it's from. Call the mechanic and ask him to tell you what
    he saw. Or get under the hood with the car running and see if you can spot where
    the drip is originating from.

    I had in mind that your water (radiator coolant) pump may be on its way to full
    failure. A water pump about to fail sometimes does so slowly, starting with a
    small leak.

    But I don't know what your mechanic saw. Just giving you one experience of mine
    with leaking coolant.
    Hard to say unless you post where the leak is located. Is it from the water
    pump? A hose? The tank itself? Get on the phone or under the hood and find its

    I'd say for now that a radiator coolant system can have much worse leaks and
    cost a lot more than $200.
    Caroline, Dec 19, 2003
  6. "ps8888"
    Eventually, your temp will be extremely hot. Drive next to a river bank or
    put lot's of water in the trunk keeping watch on the temp.
    Yes. Only for a while. The plastic radiator is known to leak and develop into
    a crack, prayers won't help.
    Indian Summer, Dec 20, 2003
  7. ps8888

    jim Guest

    considering a cheap radiator over the internet will cost you about
    $150.00 the price of $200 to get you a new one will be cheap if that
    also includes labor...
    jim, Dec 20, 2003
  8. ps8888

    Misterbeets Guest

    Even $300 is a good price. My 88 Accord radiator cost $100, but it took me
    11 hours over 3 days to install it.
    Misterbeets, Dec 20, 2003
  9. I think the Chilton's flat rate manual probably only pays 2 hours at the
    high end to replace the radiator.
    CaptainKrunch, Dec 20, 2003
  10. ps8888

    Randolph Guest

    From Honda the radiator alone is over $200, so I think the quoted price
    is good. Eventually you will have to replace it so my choice would be to
    do it now before you get the hassle of the car dumping coolant and
    overheating while cruising in the fast lane (and possibly causing engine
    damage before you can get over to the shoulder and turn off the engine).

    The alternative is to check the coolant level daily and worry about it
    Randolph, Dec 20, 2003
  11. ps8888

    Tegger® Guest

    For the '91 Integra, dealer rad price is over $600 Cdn, about $450 US.
    That's for a single-core. Definitely NOT worth it. Parts guy at my
    dealership said he'd never pay that much himself and doesn't know why Honda
    prices them so high.

    Aftermarket is usually less than $200 and decent quality. Just make sure
    the fins are aluminum.
    Tegger®, Dec 21, 2003
  12. ps8888

    Randolph Guest

    I got my numbers from http://www.hondaautomotiveparts.com. The Accord
    radiator is listed there at $217. At US$ 450 I agree with you, after
    market is the way to go. At $217 I would think about buying the OEM
    radiator, but after market would be tempting at $75
    Randolph, Dec 21, 2003
  13. ps8888

    ps8888 Guest

    The overflow tank is still in full. The drip on ground has been long
    time for almost one year. I am unable to see any leak visually.
    Is it possible that I put too much coolant in the tank (over MAX level
    a bit) that causes the problem?
    ps8888, Dec 21, 2003
  14. The overflow tank is still in full. The drip on ground has been long
    Is the lower rad hose tight? I had a similar problem with my '91 Accord.
    After changing the coolant I noticed a puddle on the ground. I would top it
    off and the puddle would return. If I just left it slightly low on coolant
    (just below the min level on the overflow bottle) it would be fine. When
    the weather warmed up I went under and tightned up the lower hose, filled it
    up and no more leaks.

    VA Beach, VA
    Roger and Liza Somero, Dec 21, 2003
  15. ps8888

    ps8888 Guest

    What will be the consequence if I put more coolant than MAX level into
    the overflow tank? Since I'm not sure what's the problem, is it safe
    to add more coolant to the tank in case of leakage.

    ps8888, Dec 21, 2003
  16. Should be okay. It'll just blurp the rest into the pavement. I've done this
    several times when I had to transport leaky radiator vehicles 300 mi from
    it's original location in mid summer for repairs. In addition to its reserve
    tank, I've added additional containers for the extra volume. It consumes a
    liter per 200 mi. with no problems - unless anyone disagree.
    Indian Summer, Dec 22, 2003
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