Radiator replacement

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by emonpla, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. emonpla

    emonpla Guest

    I am looking at a radiator replacement on a 1996 Honda Accord, 4-
    cylinder engine. Can anybody please comment on any strong advantages
    or disadvantages of getting the replacement part factory original /
    OEM versus getting the aftermarket version? The repair person I have
    engaged advises the difference is negligible but would like to know
    what the group thinks.

    Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide.
    emonpla, Mar 20, 2008
  2. emonpla

    Elle Guest

    The radiator is one of the few parts on Hondas that folks
    here generally say can be replaced with non-OEM without
    concern and at a much lower price. Check the archives for
    reports of same.

    Original owner, 1991 Civic, second radiator
    Elle, Mar 20, 2008
  3. emonpla

    nick Guest

    I purchased a replacement radiator from performanceradiator.com 3
    years ago for my 95 Integra. It had a 3 year warranty. Everything fit
    perfectly and was great until about 3 months out of the warranty
    period it started to leak. Since I was selling the car anyway I opted
    to save some money and get a replacement from autozone. Everything fit
    in perfectly except for one fan mount. I ended up getting another
    radiator from performanceradiator even though I didn't want to, but
    had no choice as I needed to put something in. About a month later the
    radiator started leaking. After the replacement it has been ok for 5
    months until I sold my Integra. If I had to do it again, I would just
    buy the OEM one. At least I'm now skilled in pulling them out :)

    Others have had better luck at higher quality after market radiators
    so they may be able to comment on them.
    nick, Mar 21, 2008
  4. emonpla

    jim beam Guest

    some of the after-market radiators are very good. nissen and visteon
    are two i have personal experience with and think they're great value.
    but the cheap ones are really not very good and i'd avoid them.
    jim beam, Mar 21, 2008
  5. emonpla

    nick Guest

    Visteon was the one that I just recently purchased which began leaking
    after one month and had to swap it out. Maybe it was just bad luck.
    nick, Mar 21, 2008

  6. Three years and counting on the replacement for my '90 accord.
    Radiator Barn, 85 bucks, free shipping in two days, everything fit
    just right, two hour job.

    Frank Boettcher, Mar 21, 2008
  7. emonpla

    johngdole Guest

    Name brand aftermarket rads should work well at a substantial
    discount. Modine was a major aftermarket brand and it merged with
    TransPro/ReadyRad to become Proliance. The local NAPA store carries
    them and with a lifetime warranty.


    Koyo seems to be another popular brand, the ones with plastic tanks
    are now made in Malaysia and one other place; all alumns are made in
    Japan. Don't care for Spectrum Premium.


    Visteon is actually a Tier-1 supplier to manufacturers, basically a
    former Ford subsidiary. AC Delco also reboxes what they (Delphi
    subsidiary) don't make. Many Accords come with GM batteries and
    alternators, and who knows, may be radiators too. BTW, Toyota buys
    from Delphi and gave them an award a few years back:

    "Delphi earned Toyota's "Global Contribution Award" for the company's
    significant dedication to Toyota's global business development in
    johngdole, Mar 22, 2008
  8. emonpla

    z Guest

    Some of the aftermarket items have lifetime warranty, at half the OEM
    price. I've had an aftermarket in my civic for like a decade now, with
    no problems; the factory one was inadequate from day 1, to the point
    where i thought it was just that civics had undersized radiators.
    z, Mar 24, 2008
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