Radio Code??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Parent, Jan 14, 2005.

  1. Parent

    Parent Guest

    I have an Accord V6, 1999. Recently had the alternator replaced. Thus, with
    no battery power the radio needs to be reset with a code. I am the second
    owner of the car and do not know the code. I have checked the glovebox
    handbook and called the local dealer with no success in finding the code.
    The dealer said they can reset the radio but will have to remove the radio
    to get to the back.
    Anyone know what I should do to get the radio code or alternative way to
    reset the radio?
    I like having the radio on, it keeps me from singing to myself, help, even
    my dog hates my singing!
    I can be contacted at
    Thanks in advance for any help.
    Parent, Jan 14, 2005
  2. Parent

    Dee Guest

    Call the dealership where you bought it. My Accord is a '94 and they still
    had it on record last time I needed it (about a year and a half ago). They
    should be able to just give you the code over the phone, once you've
    answered some "security" type questions, of course. Good luck.
    Dee, Jan 14, 2005
  3. Parent

    motsco_ _ Guest


    The code you seek is FIVE numbers long, on a white sticker or plastic
    'credit' card. The previous owner may have written the # in the manual
    or fuse box. There are two or three fuseboxes on your Accord. Previous
    servicing dealer has the number in their computer, usually.

    Otherwise, remove the radio (yourself) and any dealer will give you the
    code if you provide serial number, manufacturer, and proof of ownership.
    You weren't able to sweet-talk the service department to look up the
    code? Just walk into PARTS, and buy something, then tell the parts guy
    your tale of woe. . . They'll help you. They want you to keep bringing
    that Accord to them for service.

    motsco_ _, Jan 14, 2005
  4. The dealer can give you the code if you know the radio's serial number.

    If the serial number sticker isn't in the glove box or somewhere else,
    then you'll have to pull the radio to get the serial number from the
    radio itself.

    Fortunately, this is VERY simple to do. Would you like to know how?
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jan 14, 2005
  5. Parent

    Teranews Guest

    Yes! Al

    Teranews, Jan 14, 2005
  6. Parent

    dold Guest

    Would that be the free answer, or the $20 answer? ;-)
    Doesn't mention the radio code, but it is a set of instructions for
    replacing the factory radio with something else, so I guess one wouldn't
    care about the code. I'd be inclined to put it on the shelf with the

    I just traded in a car where I had added an aftermarket radio. I didn't
    think about putting the stock unit back in until I was clearing out the
    glove compartment and saw the owners manual for the new radio. I was
    already at the dealer, picking up the new car.
    dold, Jan 14, 2005
  7. Parent

    Parent Guest

    Fortunately, this is VERY simple to do. Would you like to know how?
    Yes, how would be great.
    Parent, Jan 14, 2005
  8. Yes, how would be great.[/QUOTE]
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jan 15, 2005
  9. Parent

    radarguy1 Guest

    The installation link does not work in eiter Netscape or IE. Do you
    have another way to view it?
    radarguy1, Apr 15, 2005
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